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Disabling Operation Scripts

If you do not want an operation script to run, you can disable it by deleting or deactivating it in the configuration. Deleting an operation script permanently removes it from the configuration. To run the script later, you must reenable the script as described in Enabling Operation Scripts. Deactivating an operation script disables the script until you activate it later.

To delete an operation script, do the following:

  1. From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the following command:
    user@host# delete system scripts op filename.xsl
  2. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit
    commit complete

To deactivate an operation script:

  1. From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the following command:
    user@host# deactivate system scripts op filename.xsl
  2. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit
    commit complete

    Note: You can later reactivate the operation script using the activate system scripts op filename.xsl command.

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