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Displaying Installed License Keys


Verify the license keys installed on the device.


From the CLI, enter the show system license keys command.

user@router> show system license keys
G03000002223 aeaqea qkjjhd ambrha 3tkqkc ayareb zicik6
             nv6jck btlxao 2trfyq 65cdou r5tbbb xdarpg
             qq53lu qcx4vm ydakcs t3yyh2 v5mq

G03000002224 aeaqea qkjjhd ambrha 3tkqkc ayargb zicik6
             nv6jck btlxao 2trfyq 65cdou r5tbof l4uon5
             7rokz7 wgdocl r4q32p 2wu4zf zrxa

G03000002225 aeaqea qkjjhd ambrha 3tkqkc ayarab zicik6
             nv6jck btlxao 2trfyq 65cdou r5tbiu jr6ui2
             lmqgqj ouzq5a aiokdn 4tr4u2 wmcq


The output shows a list of the license keys installed on the device. Verify that each expected license key is present.

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