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Downgrading the Software with the J-Web Interface

You can downgrade the software from the J-Web interface. For your changes to take effect, you must reboot the device.

Note: This procedure applies only to downgrading one JUNOS software release to another or one JUNOS software with enhanced services release to another. To downgrade JUNOS software with enhanced services to the JUNOS software, see the JUNOS Software with Enhanced Services Migration Guide.

To downgrade software with the J-Web interface:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Manage>Software>Downgrade. The image of the previous version (if any) is displayed on this page.

    Note: After you perform this operation, you cannot undo it.

  2. Select Downgrade to downgrade to the previous version of the software or Cancel to cancel the downgrade process.
  3. When the downgrade process is complete, for the new software to take effect, click Manage>Reboot from the J-Web interface to reboot the device.

After you downgrade the software, the previous release is loaded, and you cannot reload the running version of software again. To downgrade to an earlier version of software, follow the procedure for upgrading, using the software image labeled with the appropriate release.

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