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Elements of the J-Web Interface
This section summarizes the elements of the top pane, side pane,
and main pane of the J-Web interface.
Top Pane Elements
The top pane comprises the elements shown in the following figure.

- Juniper Networks logo—Link to https://www.juniper.net in a new browser window.
hostname – model—Hostname and model of the device.
- Logged in as: username—Username
you used to log in to the device.
- Help—Link to context-sensitive help information.
- About—Link to information about the J-Web interface, such
as the version number.
- Logout—Ends your current login session and returns
you to the login page.
- Taskbar—Menu of J-Web tasks. Click a J-Web task
to access it.
Monitor—View information about
configuration and hardware on the device.
Configuration—Configure the device with
Quick Configuration or the configuration editor, and view configuration
Diagnose—Troubleshoot network
connectivity problems.
Manage—Manage files and licenses,
upgrade software, and reboot the device.
Events—View events and set
up filters for an event summary.
Alarms—View the alarm summary.
Main Pane Elements
The main pane comprises the elements shown in the following

- Help (?) icon—Displays useful information when you
move the cursor over the question mark. This help displays field-specific
information, such as the definition, format, and valid range of the
- Red asterisk (*)—Indicates a required field.
- Path to current task—Shows the successive J-Web
tasks and subtasks you selected to display the current main and side
panes. Click a task to return to it.
- Icon Legend— For the Edit Configuration subtask
(J-Web configuration editor) only, explains icons that appear in the
user interface to provide information about configuration statements:
- C—Comment. Move your cursor over the icon to view
a comment about the configuration statement.
- I—Inactive. The configuration statement does not
affect the device.
- M—Modified. The configuration statement is added
or modified.
- *—Mandatory. The configuration statement must have
a value.
Side Pane Elements
The side pane comprises elements shown in the following figure.
A side pane displays subtasks related to the selected task in the
J-Web taskbar.

- Click Expand all to display the entire
- Click Hide all to display only the
statements at the top level.
- Click plus signs (+) to expand individual items.
- Click minus signs (–) to hide individual items.
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