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Managing Accounting Files

If you configure your system to capture accounting data in log files, set the location for accounting files to the DRAM.

The default location for accounting files is the cfs/var/log directory on the compact flash. The nonpersistent option minimizes the read/write traffic to your compact flash. We recommend that you use the nonpersistent option for all accounting files configured on your system.

To store accounting log files in DRAM instead of the compact flash:

  1. Enter the configuration mode in the CLI.
  2. To create an accounting data log file in DRAM, enter the following command, replacing filename with the name of the file:
    user@host> edit accounting-options file filename
  3. To store accounting log files in the DRAM file, enter the following command:
    user@host> set file filename nonpersistent

For more information about the nonpersistent option, see the JUNOS Network Management Configuration Guide.

Caution: If log files for accounting data are stored on DRAM, these files are lost when the device reboots. Therefore, we recommend that you back up these files periodically.

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