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Secure Web Access Overview

A Services Router uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to provide secure management of Services Routers through the Web interface. SSL uses public-private key technology that requires a paired private key and an authentication certificate for providing the SSL service. SSL encrypts communication between your device and the Web browser with a session key negotiated by the SSL server certificate.

An SSL certificate includes identifying information such as a public key and a signature made by a certificate authority (CA). When you access the device through HTTPS, an SSL handshake authenticates the server and the client and begins a secure session. If the information does not match or the certificate has expired, you are not able to access the device through HTTPS.

Without SSL encryption, communication between your device and the browser is sent in the open and can be intercepted. We recommend that you enable HTTPS access on your WAN interfaces.

HTTP access is enabled by default on the built-in management interfaces. By default, HTTPS access is supported on any interface with an SSL server certificate.

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