Verify that the RPM probes are functioning and that the RPM statistics are within expected values.
From the J-Web interface, select Monitor>RPM. From the CLI, enter the show services rpm probe-results command.
user@host> show services rpm probe-results
Owner: customerA, Test: icmp-test Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp Minimum Rtt: 312 usec, Maximum Rtt: 385 usec, Average Rtt: 331 usec, Jitter Rtt: 73 usec, Stddev Rtt: 27 usec Minimum egress time: 0 usec, Maximum egress time: 0 usec, Average egress time: 0 usec, Jitter egress time: 0 usec, Stddev egress time: 0 usec Minimum ingress time: 0 usec, Maximum ingress time: 0 usec, Average ingress time: 0 usec, Jitter ingress time: 0 usec, Stddev ingress time: 0 usec Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0 Owner: customerB, Test: http-test Target address:, Target URL:, Probe type: http-get Minimum Rtt: 1093 usec, Maximum Rtt: 1372 usec, Average Rtt: 1231 usec, Jitter Rtt: 279 usec, Stddev Rtt: 114 usec Probes sent: 3, Probes received: 3, Loss percentage: 0 Owner: Rpm-Bgp-Owner, Test: Rpm-Bgp-Test-1 Target address:, Probe type: icmp-ping, Test size: 5 probes Routing Instance Name: LR1/RI1 Probe results: Response received, Fri Oct 28 05:20:23 2005 Rtt: 662 usec Results over current test: Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0 Measurement: Round trip time Minimum: 529 usec, Maximum: 662 usec, Average: 585 usec, Jitter: 133 usec, Stddev: 53 usec Results over all tests: Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0 Measurement: Round trip time Minimum: 529 usec, Maximum: 662 usec, Average: 585 usec, Jitter: 133 usec, Stddev: 53 usec
The output shows the probe results for the RPM tests configured on the device. Verify the following information:
A high average round-trip time might mean that performances problems exist within the network. A high maximum round-trip time might result in high jitter values.
Lost probes might indicate packet loss through the network. Packet losses can occur if the remote server is flapping. If the RPM probe type is TCP or UDP, complete probe loss might indicate a mismatch in TCP or UDP RPM port number.
For a complete description of show services rpm probe-results output, see the JUNOS System Basics and Services Command Reference.