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Verifying RPM Statistics


Verify that the RPM probes are functioning and that the RPM statistics are within expected values.


From the J-Web interface, select Monitor>RPM. From the CLI, enter the show services rpm probe-results command.

user@host> show services rpm probe-results
    Owner: customerA, Test: icmp-test
    Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp
    Minimum Rtt: 312 usec, Maximum Rtt: 385 usec, Average Rtt: 331 usec,
    Jitter Rtt: 73 usec, Stddev Rtt: 27 usec
    Minimum egress time: 0 usec, Maximum egress time: 0 usec,
    Average egress time: 0 usec, Jitter egress time: 0 usec,
    Stddev egress time: 0 usec
    Minimum ingress time: 0 usec, Maximum ingress time: 0 usec,
    Average ingress time: 0 usec, Jitter ingress time: 0 usec,
    Stddev ingress time: 0 usec
    Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0

    Owner: customerB, Test: http-test
    Target address:, Target URL: http://customerB.net,
    Probe type: http-get
    Minimum Rtt: 1093 usec, Maximum Rtt: 1372 usec, Average Rtt: 1231 usec,
    Jitter Rtt: 279 usec, Stddev Rtt: 114 usec
    Probes sent: 3, Probes received: 3, Loss percentage: 0

 	Owner: Rpm-Bgp-Owner, Test: Rpm-Bgp-Test-1
    Target address:, Probe type: icmp-ping, Test size: 5 probes
    Routing Instance Name: LR1/RI1
    Probe results:
      Response received, Fri Oct 28 05:20:23 2005
      Rtt: 662 usec
    Results over current test:
      Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Minimum: 529 usec, Maximum: 662 usec, Average: 585 usec,
        Jitter: 133 usec, Stddev: 53 usec
    Results over all tests:
      Probes sent: 5, Probes received: 5, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Minimum: 529 usec, Maximum: 662 usec, Average: 585 usec,
        Jitter: 133 usec, Stddev: 53 usec


The output shows the probe results for the RPM tests configured on the device. Verify the following information:

Related Topics

For a complete description of show services rpm probe-results output, see the JUNOS System Basics and Services Command Reference.

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