In this example, you create a policy called ike_pol_1, specify that participants exchange proposals in Main mode, and reference the proposal called ike_prop_1. You specifiy that the preshared key be of type ASCII, and enter the key.
- user@host# set security ike policy ike_pol_1 mode main
- user@host# set security ike policy ike_pol_1 description
"new ike policy"
- user@host# set security ike policy ike_pol_1 proposals
- user@host# set security ike policy ike_pol_1 pre-shared-key
ascii-text "$9$UQiqf36A1RSTzRSreXxDik.Tzn/CuBI"
Use the following command to display information about this IKE policy:
- user@host# show security ike policy ike_pol_1