To create a custom attack object:
- user@host# set security idp custom-attack
- user@host#
set security idp custom-attack FTPJuniper attack-description
<Entry><Name>FTP:USER:JUNIPER</Name><DisplayName>FTP: “Juniper”Account Login </DisplayName
<Severity>Medium</Severity><Category>FTP</Category><Keywords />
<Recommended>false</Recommended><Description>This signature detects attempts to login to an FTP server using the "JUNIPER" account.
This can indicate an attacker trying to gain special access, or it can indicate poor security practices.
FTP typically uses plain-text passwords, and using the root account to FTP could expose sensitive data over the network
<FalsePositives>unknown</FalsePositives><Service />
<Direction>CTS</Direction><Flow>control</Flow><Post /><Application />