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CLI Configuration

To download and update predefined attack objects:

  1. Specify the URL for the security package. The security package includes the detector and the latest attack objects and groups. The following statement specifies http://sec-pack.juniper.net as the URL for downloading signature database updates:
    user@host# set security idp security-package url http://sec-pack.juniper.net
  2. Specify the time and interval for download. The following statement sets the interval as 48 hours and the start time as 11:59 pm on December 10:
    user@host# set security idp security-package automatic interval 48 start-time 12-10.23:59
  3. Enable an automatic download and update of the security package.
    user@host# set security idp security-package automatic enable
  4. If you are finished configuring the router, commit the configuration.
  5. From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the show security idp command to verify the configuration. For more information, see the JUNOS Software CLI Reference.

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