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Deactivating and Reactivating Rules in a Rulebase

In a rulebase, you can disable and enable rules by using the deactivate and activate commands.

The deactivate command comments out the specified statement from the configuration. Rules that have been deactivated do not take effect when you issue the commit command.

The activate command adds the specified statement back to the configuration. Rules that have been activated take effect when you next issue the commit command.

Before You Begin

  1. For background information, read:
  2. Establish basic connectivity. For more information, see the Getting Started Guide for your device.
  3. Configure network interfaces. See the JUNOS Software Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.
  4. Define rules in a rulebase. See Defining Rules for an IPS Rulebase.

The configuration instructions in this topic describe how to deactivate and reactivate rule R2 in an IPS rulebase that is associated with a policy called base-policy.

You can use either J-Web or the CLI configuration editor to deactivate or activate rules in a rulebase.

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