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Incoming Calls

Incoming calls are initiated from the public network to public static NAT addresses or to interface IP addresses on the J-series device. Static NATs are statically configured IP addresses that point to internal hosts; interface IP addresses are dynamically recorded by the ALG as it monitors REGISTER messages sent by internal hosts to the SIP registrar. When the J-series device receives an incoming SIP packet, it sets up a session and forwards the payload of the packet to the SIP ALG.

The ALG examines the SIP request message (initially an INVITE) and, based on information in the SDP, opens gates for outgoing media. When a 200 OK response message arrives, the SIP ALG performs NAT on the IP addresses and ports and opens pinholes in the outbound direction. (The opened gates have a short time-to-live, and they time out if a 200 OK response message is not received quickly.)

When a 200 OK response arrives, the SIP proxy examines the SDP information and reads the IP addresses and port numbers for each media session. The SIP ALG on the J-series device performs NAT on the addresses and port numbers, opens pinholes for outbound traffic, and refreshes the timeout for gates in the inbound direction.

When the ACK arrives for the 200 OK, it also passes through the SIP ALG. If the message contains SDP information, the SIP ALG ensures that the IP addresses and port numbers are not changed from the previous INVITEā€”if they are, the ALG deletes old pinholes and creates new pinholes to allow media to pass through. The ALG also monitors the Via, Contact, and Record-Route SIP fields and opens new pinholes if it determines that these fields have changed.

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