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Secure Context

Secure context allows a Services Router to act as a stateful firewall with only management access. To allow traffic to pass through a Services Router, you must explicitly configure a security policy for that purpose. In secure context, a Services Router forwards packets only if a security policy permits it. Certain services are also configured (in the host-inbound-traffic statement of the [edit security zones] hierarchy level) to allow host-inbound traffic for management of a Services Router. A Services Router running in secure context is a secure routing device with predefined configuration values.

When you use the router in secure context, you can configure additional security features. You can also remove security features and configure additional routing features to provide greater routing capability. The secure context configuration of the router is provided for ease of use. It is intended as a starting point that you can build on to customize the router for your environment.

To change contexts, see the JUNOS Software Administration Guide.

The basic configuration for secure context includes the following settings:

For the default configuration file for secure context, see the JUNOS Software Administration Guide.

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