You can set the following parameters for proxying uncompleted TCP connection requests:
- user@host# set security screen zone-syn-flood tcp syn-flood
attack-threshold number
- user@host# set security zones security-zone zone screen
user@host# set security screen zone-syn-flood
tcp syn-flood alarm-threshold <number>
user@host# set security zones security-zone
zone screen zone-syn-flood
For each SYN segment to the same destination address and port number in excess of the alarm threshold, the attack detection module generates a message. At the end of the second, the logging module compresses all similar messages into a single log entry that indicates how many SYN segments to the same destination address and port number arrived after exceeding the alarm threshold. If the attack persists beyond the first second, the event log enters an alarm every second until the attack stops.
user@host# set security screen zone-syn-flood
tcp syn-flood source-threshold <number>
user@host# set security zones security-zone
zone screen zone-syn-flood
Tracking a SYN flood by source address uses different detection parameters from tracking a SYN flood by destination address and destination port number. When you set a SYN attack threshold and a source threshold, you put both the basic SYN flood protection mechanism and the source-based SYN flood tracking mechanism in effect.
user@host# set security screen zone-syn-flood
tcp syn-flood destination-threshold <number>
user@host# set security zones security-zone
zone screen zone-syn-flood
When you set a SYN attack threshold and a destination threshold, you put both the basic SYN flood protection mechanism and the destination-based SYN flood tracking mechanism in effect.
Tracking a SYN flood by destination address uses different detection parameters from tracking a SYN flood by destination address and destination port number. Consider the following case where JUNOS software with enhanced services has policies permitting FTP requests (port 21) and HTTP requests (port 80) to the same server. If the SYN flood attack threshold is 1000 packets per second (pps) and an attacker sends 999 FTP packets and 999 HTTP packets per second, neither set of packets (where a set is defined as having the same destination address and port number) activates the SYN proxying mechanism. The basic SYN flood attack mechanism tracks destination address and port number, and neither set exceeds the attack threshold of 1000 pps. However, if the destination threshold is 1000 pps, JUNOS software with enhanced services treats both FTP and HTTP packets with the same destination address as members of a single set and rejects the 1001st packet—FTP or HTTP—to that destination.
user@host# set security screen zone-syn-flood
tcp syn-flood timeout <number>
user@host# set security zones security-zone zone screen