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Upgrading the WXC ISM 200 Software

The procedure to upgrade the boot image on a WXC ISM 200 is the same as for upgrading a standalone WX device, Loading a boot image does not affect the configuration settings stored in the startup.cfg file. All configuration settings are preserved.

To load a new boot image on the WXC ISM 200:

  1. Copy the new boot image to a local disk, an FTP server, or a TFTP server.
  2. Select Configuration>Quick Configuration>WAN Acceleration>Manage in the J-Web interface to open the WXOS Web interface.
  3. In the WXOS Web interface, select Admin>Load Boot Image.
  4. On the Load Boot Image page, select the source of the boot image (Local Disk, TFTP server, or FTP server), specify the image location and filename, and click Load. Loading the boot image may take several minutes.
  5. Select Reboot in the left-hand navigation frame, and click the Reboot button to activate the new system software.

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