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Verifying the Initial WXC ISM 200 Configuration

To verify that the WXC ISM 200 is properly configured, perform the following task.

Verifying WAN Acceleration Status


Verify the status of the WXC ISM 200, and the compatibility of the router and WXOS software.


From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the show wan-acceleration status command.

user@host> show wan-acceleration status
		Redirection status: active, Interface: wx-2/0/0
  Primary address:, Secondary address:
  JUNOS version: 9.1R1 Enhanced Services
  WXOS version:
  JUNOS/WXOS protocol: Version compatible


Verify that the status of the WXC ISM 200 interface is active, the correct IP address is assigned to the interface, and the router and WXOS software versions are compatible.

Related Topics

For a complete description of show wan-acceleration status, see the JUNOS Software CLI Reference.

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