Example: Specifying IDP Test Conditions for a Specific Protocol (CLI)

When configuring Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) custom attacks, you can specify test conditions for a specific protocol. For example, to configure test conditions for ICMP:

  1. List supported test conditions for ICMP and choose the one you want to configure. The supported test conditions are available in the CLI at the [edit security idp custom-attack test1 attack-type anomaly] hierarchy level.

    user@host#set test icmp?
    Possible completions:
     <test>               Protocol anomaly condition to be checked
  2. Configure the service for which you want to configure the test condition.
    user@host# set service ICMP
  3. Configure the test condition (specifying the protocol name is not required):
    user@host# set test ADDRESSMASK_REQUEST
  4. If you are finished configuring the device, commit the configuration.

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