Disabling Switching on SRX100, SRX210, and SRX240 Devices Before Enabling Chassis Clustering

The factory default configuration for SRX100, SRX210, and SRX240 devices automatically enables Layer 2 Ethernet switching. Because Layer 2 Ethernet switching is not supported in chassis cluster mode, for these devices, if you use the factory default configuration, you must delete the Ethernet switching configuration before you enable chassis clustering.

Caution: Enabling chassis clustering while Ethernet switching is enabled is not a supported configuration. Doing so might result in undesirable behavior from the devices, leading to possible network instability.

Specifically, the factory default configuration includes virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration, and the chassis cluster control link is Ethernet switching enabled. In order to use the control link, the Ethernet switching family must be disabled on the interface.

To configure chassis clustering on SRX100, SRX210, and SRX240 devices from the factory default configuration, do the following steps before starting the chassis cluster configuration for each of the two devices to be clustered.

We recommend that you do these steps through a console port connection, but if you do not, you will have to connect through the console after you complete the steps. For information about how to connect through the console, see the “Connecting and Configuring the Device” section in the appropriate SRX Series Services Gateway Getting Started Guide.

  1. Enter configuration mode.
  2. Issue the following commands:
    user@host# set system root-authentication plain-text-password

    This setting is required if a root user password has not been set.

    user@host# delete vlans
    user@host# delete interfaces vlan
    user@host# delete interfaces interface-range interfaces-trust
    user@host# delete security zones security-zone trust interfaces
    user@host# commit

    Note that once you commit this configuration, the management interfaces will be lost and need to be re-created.

Likewise, if you are not using the factory default configuration on these devices (SRX100, SRX210, and SRX240), but you enable Ethernet switching on the interfaces, be sure to disable Ethernet switching before you enable chassis clustering.

Note: The default configuration for other SRX Series devices and all J Series devices does not enable Ethernet switching. However, if you have enabled Ethernet switching, be sure to disable it before enabling clustering on these devices too.

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