Example: Configuring Content Filtering Custom Objects (CLI)

To configure content filtering using the CLI, you must first create your custom objects.

  1. Create the protocol command list custom object. The following example creates the ftpprotocom1 protocol command list:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects protocol-command ftpprotocom1
  2. Add commands to the protocol command list. The following example adds the user, pass, port, and type commands to the list:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects custom-objects protocol-command ftpprotocom1 value [user pass port type]
  3. Create the filename-extension custom object. The following example creates the extlist2 filename-extension list:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects filename-extension extlist2
  4. Add extensions to the filename-extension list. The following example adds the zip, js, and vbs extensions to the list:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects filename-extension extlist2 value [zip js vbs]
  5. Create MIME pattern lists for the main MIME list and a MIME exception list for antivirus scanning. The following examples create the cfmime1 and ex-cfmime1 lists:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects mime-pattern cfmime1user@host# set security utm custom-objects mime-pattern ex-cfmime1
  6. Add MIME patterns to the MIME pattern lists. The following examples add patterns to the cfmime1 and ex-cfmime1 lists:
    user@host# set security utm custom-objects mime-pattern cfmime1 value [video/quicktime image/x-portable-anymap x-world/x-vrml]user@host# set security utm custom-objects mime-pattern ex-cfmime1 value [video/quicktime-inappropriate]

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