Example: Configuring Local Web Filtering Feature Profiles (CLI)

After you create custom objects, configure the juniper-local Web filtering feature profile:

  1. If you are using included global whitelist and blacklist categories, select those global categories. This is the first filtering category that both integrated, redirect, and local Web filtering use. If no match is made, the configured default fallback action is performed. The following example creates the custurl3 blacklist and the custurl4 whitelist:
    user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering url-blacklist custurl3user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering url-whitelist custurl4

    Note: In this example, the user-defined category is assigned to the global url-whitelist category. This will permit all URLs in that category.

  2. Select juniper-local as your Web filtering engine:
    user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering type juniper-local
  3. Create a juniper-local profile by creating a profile with a default action (permit, log and permit, block) for requests that experience errors. The following example creates the localprofile1 profile with a default action of permit:
    user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper–local profile localprofile1 default permit
  4. Enter a custom message to be sent when HTTP requests are blocked. The following example creates a custom message that says “Access to this site is not permitted”:
    user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-local profile localprofile1custom-block-message “Access to this site is not permitted”
  5. Select fallback settings (block or log and permit) for this profile. The fallback actions are taken when errors in each configured category occur. The following example sets fallback options to block:
    user@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper–local profile localprofile1 fallback-settings default blockuser@host# set security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper–local profile localprofile1 fallback-settings too-many-requests block

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