Understanding Dynamic VPN Global Client Download Settings
Global dynamic VPN settings enable you to control the following options:
- Access Manager download authentication—Use access
profile(s) to control the authentication of users who want to download
Access Manager.
Note: You must use access profiles to authenticate users who want to download Access Manager and to authenticate users who want to establish dynamic VPN tunnels to your firewall. Note that you can use the same access profile to authenticate users in both cases, or you can use separate access profiles to authenticate downloads and VPN sessions.
- Forced upgrades—Use the force upgrade option to automatically upgrade the client’s software when a more recent version is available. If you do not enable this option, the user is given a choice to manually upgrade the client’s software when a more recent version is available.
Related Topics
- JUNOS Software Feature Support Reference for SRX Series and J Series Devices
- Dynamic VPN Overview
- Example: Configuring Dynamic VPN Global Client Download Settings (CLI)