Understanding JUNOS Software Application Identification Custom Application Definitions

Application identification supports user-defined custom application definitions for applications and nested applications. With custom application definitions you can create definitions that will detect applications that are not part of the predefined application package. Both predefined and custom application definitions are located in the [services application-identification application] hierarchy. The predefined and custom applications for nested application definitions are located in the [services application-identification nested-application] hierarchy. When you perform an update or uninstall the application package, custom applications will not be modified or removed.

When you create custom application or nested application definitions, make sure your entries are unique to entries in the predefined application database. All predefined definitions provided by Juniper have the prefix “junos” in the definition name, for example junos:ftp, junos:facebook, so do not use that prefix when naming your custom definitions. Also, custom application definitions and custom nested application definitions share the same index pool, so the index entries must be unique among all application and nested application custom definitions. Once you download the application definition package, you can view definitions by running the show services application-identification command. You can use the predefined definitions as a base for creating your custom definitions; however, make sure your application name does not start with junos and that the index number of each definition is unique.

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