Configuring IDP Inline Tap Mode

To configure the device for inline tap mode:

  1. Set inline tap mode:
    [edit security]user@host# set forwarding-process application-services maximize-idp-sessions inline-tap
  2. Commit the change:
    [edit security]user@host# commit
  3. Restart the system from operational mode:
    user@host> request system reboot

Note: When switching to inline tap mode or back to regular mode you must restart the device .

To confirm that inline tap mode is enabled:

user@host> show security idp status

The forwarding process mode line item will show “Forwarding process mode : maximizing sessions (Inline-tap)”

To switch the device to regular mode:

[edit security]user@host# delete forwarding-process application-services maximize-idp-sessions inline-tap

Note: IDP inline tap mode does not require a separate tap or span port.

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