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Cleaning Up Files with the CLI
You can use the CLI request system storage cleanup command
to rotate log files and delete unnecessary files on the services router.
If you are running low on storage space, the file cleanup procedure
quickly identifies files that can be deleted.
The file cleanup procedure performs the following tasks:
- Rotates log files—All information in the current
log files is archived, old archives are deleted, and fresh log files
are created.
- Deletes log files in /var/log—Any files
that are not currently being written to are deleted.
- Deletes temporary files in /var/tmp—Any
files that have not been accessed within two days are deleted.
- Deletes all crash files in /var/crash—Any
core files that the device has written during an error are
- Deletes all software images (*.tgz files) in /var/sw/pkg—Any software images copied to this directory
during software upgrades are deleted.
To rotate log files and delete unnecessary files with the CLI:
- Enter operational mode in the CLI.
- To rotate log files and identify the files that
can be safely deleted, enter the following command:
user@host> request system storage cleanup
The device rotates log files and displays the files that you
can delete.
- Enter yes at the prompt to delete the
You can issue the request system storage cleanup dry-run command to review the list of files that can be deleted with the request system storage cleanup command, without actually deleting
the files.
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