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Checking Active Alarms
To monitor alarms on the device, select Monitor>Events
and Alarms>View Alarms in the J-Web user interface. The J-Web
View Alarms page displays information about preset system and chassis
alarms. (For information about interface alarms, see Interface Alarm
Alternatively, you can enter the following show commands
in the CLI editor:
- show chassis alarms
- show system alarms
The J-Web View Alarms page displays the following information
about each alarm:
- Type—Type of alarm: System, Chassis, or All.
- Severity—Severity class of the alarm: Minor or Major.
- Description—Description of the alarm.
- Time—Time that the alarm was registered.
To filter which alarms are displayed, use the following options:
- Alarm Type—Specify which type of alarm to monitor:
System, Chassis, or All. System alarms include FRU detection alarms
(power supplies removed, for instance). Chassis alarms indicate environmental
alarms such as temperature. (For more information, see Alarm Types.)
- Severity—Specify the alarm severity that you want
to monitor: Major, Minor, or All. A major (red) alarm condition requires
immediate action. A minor (yellow) condition requires monitoring and
maintenance. (For more information, see Alarm Severity.)
- Description—Enter a brief synopsis of the alarms
you want to monitor.
- Date From—Specify the beginning of the date range
that you want to monitor. Set the date using the calendar pick tool.
- To—Specify the end of the date range that you want
to monitor. Set the date using the calendar pick tool.
- Go—Executes the options that you specified.
- Reset—Clears the options that you specified.
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