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Connecting the MX2020 Router to a Console or Auxiliary Device

To use a system console to configure and manage the Routing Engine, connect it to the appropriate CONSOLE port on the CB-RE interface. To use a laptop, modem, or other auxiliary device, connect it to the AUX port on the CB-RE interface. Both ports accept a cable with an RJ-45 connector. To connect a device to the CONSOLE port and another device to the AUX port, you must supply two separate cables.


We no longer include the RJ-45 console cable with the DB-9 adapter as part of the device package. If the console cable and adapter are not included in your device package, or if you need a different type of adapter, you can order the following separately:

  • RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-DB9)

  • RJ-45 to USB-A adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBA)

  • RJ-45 to USB-C adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBC)

If you want to use RJ-45 to USB-A or RJ-45 to USB-C adapter you must have X64 (64-Bit) Virtual COM port (VCP) driver installed on your PC. See, to download the driver.


The MX2020 router must be adequately grounded before powering on the console or auxiliary devices, (see MX2000 Router Grounding Specifications).

To connect a management console or auxiliary device:

  1. Turn off the power to the console or auxiliary device.
  2. Plug the RJ-45 end of the serial cable (see Figure 2) into the AUX port or CONSOLE port on the CB-RE interface. Figure 1 shows the ports. Table 1 describes the auxiliary and console ports.
  3. Plug the DB-9 socket end into the device's serial port.

    For console devices, configure the serial port to the following values:

    • Baud rate—9600

    • Parity—N

    • Data bits—8

    • Stop bits—1

    • Flow control—none

Figure 1: Console and Auxiliary PortsConsole and Auxiliary Ports
Figure 2: Console and Auxiliary Cable ConnectorConsole and Auxiliary Cable Connector
Table 1: Console and Auxiliary Ports on the MX2020 CB-RE

Function No.





Connect a laptop, modem, or other auxiliary unit.



Connect a laptop or console terminal to configure the MX2020 router.