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Unpack and Mount an SSR1200

Unpack the appliance using the recommended tools and following the recommended procedure.

Tools and Parts Required to Unpack the SSR1200 Appliance

To unpack the appliance and prepare for installation, you need the following tools:

  • Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2

  • A box cutter or packing knife to slice open the tape that seals the boxes

Unpack an SSR1200

The SSR1200 is shipped in a cardboard carton and secured with foam packing material.


The SSR1200 is maximally protected inside the cardboard carton. Do not unpack it until you are ready to begin installation.

To unpack the SSR1200:

  1. Move the cardboard carton to a staging area as close to the installation site as possible, where you have enough room to remove the components from the chassis.
  2. Position the cardboard carton with the arrows pointing up.
  3. Carefully open the top of the cardboard carton.
  4. Remove the foam covering the top of the SSR1200.
  5. Verify the parts received against the list in Table 1.
  6. Store the brackets and bolts inside the accessory box.
  7. Save the shipping carton and packing materials in case you need to move or ship the appliance at a later time.

Verify Parts Received with the SSR1200

The shipment includes a packing list. Check the parts you receive in the shipping carton against the items on the packing list. The parts shipped depend on the configuration you order.

If any part on the packing list is missing, contact your customer service representative or contact Juniper customer care from within the U.S. or Canada by telephone at 1-888-314-5822. For international-dial or direct-dial options in countries without toll-free numbers, see

Table 1: Parts List for a Fully Configured SSR1200
Component Quantity

SSR1200 Chassis

Part number: SSR1200-CHAS


Power supply (preinstalled)

Part number: SSR1200-AC-PS

2 AC

AC power cord appropriate for your geographical location




Rack mount kit

Part number: SSR1200-RMK

  • 2 front mounting brackets

  • 2 side mounting rails

  • 2 rear mounting blades

  • 8 rack screws and cage nuts

  • 14 M4 flat-head screws

RJ-45 to USB A serial cable


Documentation Roadmap


Install the SSR1200 in a Rack

You can install an SSR1200 appliance into a four-post rack or a cabinet.

Complete these prerequisites before you install the appliance:

Ensure that you have Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2.


Installing the chassis in a rack requires two people: one person lifts the chassis while the other secures it to the rack.


Ensure the rear of the chassis is supported throughout the process of mounting the appliance into the rack.


Before mounting the appliance on a rack or in a cabinet, have a qualified technician verify that the rack or cabinet is strong enough to support the appliance's weight. Have the technician verify also that the rack or cabinet is adequately supported at the installation site.


If you are installing more than one appliance on a rack or in a cabinet, install the first appliance at the bottom of the rack.

To mount the SSR1200 on a four-post rack:

  1. Review the General Safety Guidelines and Warnings.
  2. Wrap and fasten one end of the electrostatic discharge (ESD) cable grounding strap around your bare wrist, and connect the other end to a site ESD point.
  3. Remove the SSR1200 from the shipping carton (see Unpack an SSR1200).
  4. Attach the front mounting brackets to the front of the chassis, using the six flat-head screws provided. Then, attach the side mounting rails to the chassis, using the screws provided.
    Figure 1: Install Front Mounting Brackets and Side Mounting Rails Install Front Mounting Brackets and Side Mounting Rails
  5. Have one person grasp both sides of the SSR1200 chassis, lift it, and position it in the rack so that the front mounting bracket holes align with the threaded holes in the rack rail.

    Ensure that the rear of the device is supported throughout the process of mounting the device into the rack.

  6. While you’re holding the SSR1200 in place, have a second person insert and tighten the rack mount screws to secure the front mounting brackets to the rack rails. Make sure to tighten the screws in the two bottom holes first and then tighten the screws in the two top holes next.
    Figure 2: Install the SSR1200 Appliance in a Four-Post Rack Install the SSR1200 Appliance in a Four-Post Rack
  7. Continue to support the SSR1200 in place and have the second person slide the rear mounting blades into the channels of the side mounting rails.
  8. Secure the rear mounting blades to the rack post, using rack mounting screws on each side.
    Figure 3: Install the Rear Mounting Blades on an SSR1200 Appliance Install the Rear Mounting Blades on an SSR1200 Appliance
  9. Check that the front mounting brackets on each side of the rack are lined up with each other.
    Figure 4: SSR1200 Appliance Installed in a Four-Post Rack