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QFX5110 Fan Module LED

Figure 1 shows the location of the LED next to the fan module.

Figure 1: Fan Module LED in a QFX5110 SwitchFan Module LED in a QFX5110 Switch



Table 1 describes the function of the fan tray LED.

Table 1: Fan Tray LED in a QFX5110 Switch







On steadily

The fan module is operating normally. The system has verified that the module is engaged, that the airflow is in the correct direction, and that the fan is operating correctly.



An error has been detected in the fan module. Replace the fan module as soon as possible. Either the fan has failed or it is seated incorrectly. To maintain proper airflow through the chassis, leave the fan module installed in the chassis until you are ready to replace it.

Under normal operating conditions, the fan modules operate at a moderate speed. Temperature sensors in the chassis monitor the temperature within the chassis.

The system raises an alarm if a fan module fails or if the ambient temperature inside the chassis rises above the acceptable range. If the temperature inside the chassis rises above the threshold temperature, the system shuts down automatically.