Step 2: Up and Running
Now that you've got the concepts down, let's get going and create a Quick Start guide. First and foremost,take a look at some guides in the Quick Start Portal.
Set Up Your Quick Start Guide in XDocs
Update the Project Tracker
- Go to Sharepoint and select the Day One+ Project Tracker spreadsheet.
- In the spreadsheet, click the Project Tracker Template tab and copy the milestones to a new tab for your project.
- Name the tab for your project.
- In your project spreadsheet, update the writer, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and reviewers.
- Type your start date and, if possible, fill in the project milestones with rough dates.
Request Illustrations and Screenshot Numbers
If you’ll need new illustrations or will be using screenshots, e-mail an illustration request to Follow the process, “How to Request Illustrations,” listed on the Artwork page on SharePoint.
The hardware guides use marketing product photos in the Step 1: Begin section. Be sure to note this in your hardware illustration request. The illustrator will get the photos from Marketing and size them accordingly.
For screenshots, we don’t show illustration numbers as we do for other graphics. However, if you’ll be using screenshots, you’ll need to assign a file number to them and import them to the images folder. Send an e-mail to your illustrator requesting a range of file numbers to assign to your screenshots.
Request Videos
Write Your Guide
Now that your files are setup, you're ready to start writing your Quick Start guide. Here’s a general overview of the writing process:
Change the release-date and doc-revision number in your ditamap file.
Add content to the three steps: Begin, Up and Running, Keep Going.
If you have screenshots, assign them numbers and upload them to the images folder in XDocs.
Assign each screenshot a unique image number from the range of numbers you got from your illustrator. Append the file extension .png to each image number. Store the image files on your local drive.
Right-click the \images folder for your guide in XDocs and select Import to Folder.
Browse to the image files on your local drive and select them.
Click Add
. The images are added to the images folder for your Quick Start guide.
Work with Trish McBride to prepare your first draft. She will help you with the document structure, tone, and alignment to the product onboarding strategy.
Step 1: Begin
The introduction is part of Step 1: Begin. We try to use uniform wording for the introduction so the guides are somewhat consistent. Here’s an example of an introduction for a hardware Quick Start guide:
“In this guide, we provide a simple, three-step path, to quickly get you up and running with your new Product Name. We’ve simplified and shortened the installation and configuration steps, and included how-to videos. You'll learn how to install a Product Name in a rack, power it up, and configure basic settings.”
If your product has a vLabs sandbox, please add the following note to the introduction:
Are you interested in getting hands-on experience with the topics and operations covered in this guide? Visit Juniper Networks Virtual Labs and reserve your free sandbox today! You’ll find the Junos Day One Experience sandbox in the stand alone category.
To find out if your product has a vLabs sandbox, just click Juniper Networks Virtual Labs and see if your product is listed.
Here’s an example of a Quick Start guide introduction for a software application Quick Start guide.
Meet the <Product>
The first topic in Step 1: Begin is “Meet product name” topic. Here’s where you introduce the product with a sentence or two and describe any unique features and benefits. Datasheets and other marketing literature can be a great resource for finding simple wording to use in this topic. Try not to use too much marketing lingo, though.
Step 2: Up and Running
Step 2: Up and Running provides very basic configuration instructions for your product. There are usually several ways to do the configuration, but in this guide, we want to provide a single path. Work with your SMEs and PLMs to determine the most common and most simple way to initially deploy and configure your product. If there are multiple ways to do the configuration (for example, CLI, J-Web, ATP, CSO, etc.), include only the most common way. You can always add a note or bullets with cross-references to information on how to deploy the product a different way. Take a look at other guides on the Quick Start site for examples.
Step 3: Keep Going
Section 3: Keep Going is intended as a reference section where we include cross-references to additional information. The section has three “If”/ “Then” tables:
- What’s Next?
This topic has a table with links to specific procedures the customer might want to do next.
- General Information
. This topic has a table with links to more high-level information such as the licensing guide, product user guide, tech library, and so on.
- Learn With Videos
This topic has links to PACE learning center videos.
Send Your Guide for Review
Here’s an overview of the editing and review cycles for a Quick Start guide:
Task |
Description |
First draft developmental edit |
Send your first draft for review to Trish McBride. Trish will provide you an initial edit on the structure, level of content, language modernization, and alignment to the overall product onboarding strategy. Depending upon the complexity of your product and your familiarity with writing Quick Start guides, it may take several editing iterations to develop a solid first draft. Be sure to accommodate this in your schedule. |
Second review |
Once you’ve completed your first draft review, create a DRT review that includes:
Click here for information about how to create a DRT review. Tip:
You may want to write an introductory email to the reviewers and attach a PDF of your Quick Start Guide. You can let them know they will also be receiving a DRT review notification. Don’t go crazy and add too many reviewers in DRT as you’ll need them to sign off their approval before we can publish the guide. This can be a bit thorny and you may find yourself badgering people to approve your guide which is never fun. If there are folks that you’d like to review your guide in addition to the required reviewers, it’s better to add their name in the notify field in DRT and then follow up with them individually. |
Final Review |
Once you’ve incorporated the DRT review comments, send your guide out for a final review to your immediate manager and Trish McBride. This review is basically a final read-through to see how the guide reads now that you’ve entered all the review comments. Allow up to a week in your schedule for final review. |
Congratulations! Your Quick Start guide is complete and ready for deployment.
Prepare for Deployment
The PACE Digital Engineering team will deploy your Quick Start guide to the web. But first, you'll need to prepare the guide for deployment.
Open the ditamap file for your Quick Start guide in Oxygen DITA Maps Manager.
Select Juniper > Publish File in Maps Manager
Select the Day-One-Plus transformation type.
Click Publish. You'll receive an email confirmation with the status page for the request.
- Click the Output file path in the email. The file structure looks like this:
- Choose Click to zip a file or folder for download. The
zipped file appears under Folders:
- Click Download Now and download the zip file to your local drive in a folder named product-day-one-plus. For example, crpd-day-one-plus.
Log in to CMSWEB.
Navigate to the Day One+ directory at \\P-CMSWEB-APP-01\default\main\techpubs\WORKAREA\shared_wa\techpubs\us\en\day-one-plus\.
Select File > New Folder and create a folder for your Quick Start guide. For example, crpd.
Navigate to this folder and click Import in the CMSWEB toolbar.
Select all the files and folders in the product-day-one-plus and drag and drop them to the Import window in CMSWEB.
Click Import in the bottom right of the CMSWEB window.
Once the upload is complete, click Cancel.
Select the files and folders in the directory for your guide and click Submit to deploy them to UAT.
Once you receive the email that the files were successfully published to UAT, check your files on UAT to make sure everything looks OK.
Write a Product Description for the Quick Start Homepage
The Quick Start portal includes hover text for each Quick Start guide. Here's an example:
“Start here to install, power on, and initially configure your product name."
You'll need to include this with your publishing request. The description should not exceeding 160 characters with spaces. For some ideas on what to write, take a look at the descriptions on the Quick Start homepage.
Submit Your Guide for Deployment
At least one week before your guide needs to be deployed, send an e-mail to techlibrary-support (copy with the following information:
Path to the UAT file for the Quick Start guide. This is the link that's in the confirmation email you get after submitting the guide to UAT.
YouTube URL of any video that needs to appear on the Quick Start homepage and/or on the right pane of the page for a step in the Quick Start guide
A short product description not exceeding 160 characters with spaces to include as hover text on the Quick Start portal.