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Step 2: Up and Running

Now that you've deployed the Virtual Lightweight Collector (vLWC), let’s get you up and running with Juniper Support Insights (JSI) on Juniper Support Portal!

Access Juniper Support Insights

To access Juniper Support Insights (JSI), you must register on the User Registration portal. You also require a user role (Super Admin, Admin or Standard) assigned. To get a user role assigned, contact Juniper Customer Care or your Juniper Services team.

JSI supports the following user roles:

  • Standard—The Standard users can view the device onboarding details, operational dashboards, and reports.
  • Admin— The Admin users can onboard devices, perform JSI management functions, view the operational dashboards and reports.
  • Super Admin—The Super Admin users can perform all the functions as a regular admin, and also manage the JSI roles to grant and revoke access (from Insights menu > Advanced Settings > User Role Management page).


    Users managed by the super admin must be associated with the same account as the LWC.

    To locate a user, the super admin must enter the full email address (example: in the search field of the User Role Management page. If searching for the user by their full email address does not yield any results, contact your Juniper Services team for assistance.

Here's how to access JSI:
  1. Log in to Juniper Support Portal ( by using your Juniper Support Portal credentials.
  2. On the Insights menu, click:
    • Dashboards to view of a set of operational dashboards and reports.
    • Device Onboarding to perform device onboarding to initiate data collection.
    • Device Notifications to view notifications about device onboarding, data collection, and errors.
    • Collector to view the details of the vLWC associated with the account.
    • Remote Connectivity to view and manage Remote Connectivity Suite requests for a seamless device data collection process.

View the Virtual Lightweight Collector Connection Status

You can view the Virtual Lightweight Collector (vLWC) connection status on the following portals:

  • Juniper Support Portal

  • The vLWC Captive Portal webpage and vLWC JSI Shell. The Captive Portal webpage and JSI Shell provides a more detailed view, and has options that let you change the vLWC configuration settings and perform troubleshooting.

View the Connection Status on Juniper Support Portal

Here's how to view the vLWC connection status on Juniper Support Portal:

  1. On Juniper Support Portal, click Insights > Collector.
  2. Check the summary table to see the Connection Status of the vLWC. The status should be shown as Connected.

    If the status is shown as Disconnected, check if the vLWC is installed and powered on.

View the Connection Status on the Captive Portal

View the Connection Status on the JSI Shell

Onboard Devices

You'll need to onboard devices to initiate a periodic (daily) data transfer from the devices to the Juniper Cloud. Here's how to onboard devices in a JSI setup that uses a vLWC:

You must be an admin user to onboard a device.


Ensure that the NETCONF SSH subsystem is configured on your Juniper devices (on port 22) to onboard these devices to JSI. JSI supports NETCONF SSH sessions on port 22 only. JSI NETCONF sessions on other ports, such as port 830, are currently not supported.


For information on Junos configurations and permissions required for JSI, see the FAQ - What permissions does the JSI user need in Junos to operate JSI?

Here's how to onboard devices to JSI:

  1. On Juniper Support Portal, click Insights > Device Onboarding.
  2. Click New Device Group. The following image represents the device onboarding page with some sample data filled in.
  3. In the Device Group section, enter the following details for the devices to be associated with the LWC:
    • Name—A name for the device group. A Device Group is a collection of devices with a set of common credentials and modes of connection. The operational dashboards and reports use the device groups to provide a segmented view of the data.
    • IP Address—IP addresses of the devices to be onboarded. You can provide a single IP address or a list of IP addresses. Alternatively, you can upload the IP addresses through a CSV file.
    • Collector Name—Automatically populated if you have only a single vLWC. If you have multiple vLWCs, select from the list of available vLWCs.
    • Site ID—Automatically populated if you have only a single Site ID. If you have multiple Site IDs, select from the list of available Site IDs.
  4. In the Credentials section, create a set of new credentials or select from the existing device credentials.

    JSI supports SSH keys or usernames and passwords.

  5. In the Connections section, define a connection mode. You can add a new connection or choose from the existing connections to connect the device to the vLWC. You can connect the devices directly or through a set of bastion hosts. You can specify a maximum of five bastion hosts.
  6. After entering the data, click Submit to initiate device data collection for the device group.

View Notifications

Juniper Cloud notifies you about the device onboarding and data collection status. Notification could also contain information about errors that need to be addressed. You can receive notifications in your email, or view them on Juniper Support Portal.

Here's how to view notifications on Juniper Support Portal:

  1. Click Insights > Device Notifications.
  2. Click a Notification ID to view the content of the notification.

View Operational Dashboards and Reports

The JSI operational dashboards and reports are dynamically updated based on a periodic (daily) device data collection, which is initiated when you onboard a device. The dashboards and reports provide a set of current, historic, and comparative data insights into the devices' health, inventory, and lifecycle management. The insights include the following:

  • Software and hardware systems inventory (chassis to component level detail covering serialized and non-serialized items).

  • Physical and logical interface inventory.

  • Configuration change based on commits.

  • Core files, alarms, and Routing Engine health.

  • End of Life (EOS) and End of Service (EOS) exposure.

Juniper manages these operational dashboards and reports.

Here's how to view the dashboards and reports on Juniper Support Portal:

  1. Click Insights > Dashboard.
    The Operational Daily Health Dashboard is displayed. This dashboard includes charts that summarize the KPIs associated with the account, based on the last collection date.
  2. From the Reports menu on the left, select the dashboard or report you want to view.

    The reports typically consist of a set of filters, an aggregated summary view, and a detailed tabular view based on the data collected. A JSI report has the following features:

    • Interactive views—Organize the data in a meaningful way. For example, you can create a segmented view of the data, click through, and mouse-over for additional details.
    • Filters—Filter data based on your requirements. For example, you can view data specific to one or more device groups for a specific collection date and a comparison period.
    • Favorites—Tag reports as favorites for ease of access.
    • PDF, PTT, and Data formats—Export the reports as PDF or PTT files, or in data format. In data format, you can download the report fields and values for each report component (for example, chart or table) by using the Export Data option as shown below:

Prepare for a Remote Connectivity Suite Request

The JSI Remote Connectivity Suite (RCS) is a cloud-based solution that streamlines the support and troubleshooting process between Juniper support and customers by making the device data collection process seamless. Instead of iterative exchanges between Juniper support and the customer to obtain the right device data, RCS retrieves this in the background automatically. This timely access to essential device data facilitates swift troubleshooting of the issue.

At a high level, the RCS request process involves the following steps:

  1. Submit a technical support case through the customer portal.

  2. A Juniper support engineer will contact you about your technical support case. If necessary, the Juniper support engineer may propose an RCS request to retrieve device data.

  3. Depending on the rules from the RCS settings (Ask Approval enabled), you may receive an email containing a link to authorize the RCS request.

    1. If you consent to share the device data, click the link in the email, and approve the request.

  4. The RCS request will be scheduled for a specified time and the device data is securely relayed to Juniper support.


You must have JSI administrator privileges to configure RCS device settings, and approve or deny RCS requests.


The Remote Connectivity Suite supports SFTP sessions on port 22 only for file collection.

View RCS Requests

Here's how to view RCS requests on Juniper Support Portal:

  1. On Juniper Support Portal, click Insights > Remote Connectivity to open the Remote Connectivity Requests Lists page.

    The Remote Connectivity Requests Lists page lists all the RCS requests made. You can use the drop-down list on the top left corner of the page to customize your viewing preference.

  2. Click the Log Request Id of an RCS request to open the Remote Connectivity Requests Detail page.

    From the Remote Connectivity Requests Detail page, you can view the RCS request details and perform the following tasks:

    • Modify the serial number.

    • Adjust the requested date and time (set to a future date/time).


      If the time zone is not specified in your user profile, the default time zone is Pacific Time (PT).

    • Append notes.

    • Approve or deny the RCS request.

Configure RCS Device Settings

You can configure both RCS collection and core file collection preferences from the RCS settings page. Here's how to configure the Remote Connectivity RSI Collection settings on Juniper Support Portal:

  1. On Juniper Support Portal, click Insights > Remote Connectivity to open the Remote Connectivity Requests Lists page.

  2. Click Settings on the top right corner of the page. The Remote Connectivity RSI Collection Settings page opens. This page enables you to set global collection permissions and create permission exceptions based on different criteria.

  3. Global collection permissions are configured at an account level. For multiple JSI-connected accounts, you can select the account using the Account Name drop-down list on the top right corner of the page.

  4. To configure global collection permission, click Edit in the Global Collection Permissions section and change permission to one of the following:

    • Ask Approval—An approval request is sent to the customer when Juniper support initiates an RCS request. This is the default setting when no permission is explicitly selected.

    • Always Allow—RCS requests initiated by Juniper support are automatically approved.

    • Always Deny—RCS requests initiated by Juniper support are automatically declined.


    When you have the global collection permission, and one or more exceptions configured with conflicting permissions, the following order of precedence will apply:

    • Device list rules

    • Device group rules

    • Day and time rules

    • Global collection permission

  5. To create exceptions based on specific day and time, click Add in the Date and Time Rules section. The Day and Time Rules Settings page opens.

    You can configure an exception based on days and duration, and click Save to save the exception and return to the Remote Connectivity RSI Collection Settings page.

  6. Note:

    Before configuring collection rules for device groups, ensure that a device group already exists for the account.

    To create separate collection rules for specific device groups, click Add in the Device Group Rules section. The Device Group Rules Settings page opens.

    You can configure the collection rule for a specific device group, and click Save to save the rule and return to the Remote Connectivity RSI Collection Settings page.

  7. To create separate collection rules for individual devices, click Add in the Device List Rules section. The Device List Rules Settings page opens.

    You can configure the collection rule for individual devices, and click Save to save the rule and return to the Remote Connectivity RSI Collection Settings page.