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Step 3: Keep Going

Congratulations! You’ve completed the initial steps to get Juniper Content Security up and running. Let’s keep going and learn more about what you can do with the Juniper Content Security solution.

What’s Next?

Now that your devices are subscribed to Juniper Content Security, here are some things you can do next.

If you want to


Continue configuring Antivirus protection

See Antivirus Protection

Configure Antispam filtering

See Antispam Filtering

Configure content filtering settings

See Content Filtering

Learn more about Unified Policies

View the Introduction to Unified Policies video

General Information

Here are some excellent resources that will help you take your Juniper Content Security knowledge to the next level:

If you want to


Find in-depth product documentation for Juniper Content Security

Check out the Juniper Content Security User Guide in the Juniper TechLibrary

Understand the latest security advisories, and get a little extra help implementing your security solution

Take advantage of these awesome Juniper support resources:

See all documentation available for Junos OS

See the Junos OS Documentation

Stay up to date on new and changed features and known and resolved issues

See the Junos OS Release Notes

Learn about training and certification opportunities

Explore these options:

Ask your peers. Connect to labs. Find new learning opportunities

Visit the Intrusion Prevention Forum