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Special Upgrade Procedures

Special Procedures for Upgrade to 4.3

When upgrading to version 4.3, you need to follow the document Upgrading Control Center to 4.3 rather than the present generic upgrade guide.

Special Procedures for Upgrade to 3.0 or Later

Obtaining a License

On upgrading to version 3.0 or later, you need a new license from Juniper Networks to be able to use the product.

To prevent Control Center downtime in connection with the upgrade, we recommend that you obtain the new license before doing the upgrade. To get the license from the Juniper EMS Portal, you need to provide the UUID of the system where Control Center is installed.

  • Run this command on the Control Center machine:

    The output includes a UUID in plain-text format.

  • Log in to the Juniper EMS Portal at with the credentials you have received from Juniper.
  • In the My Product Licenses view, click the Activate button for the relevant license.
  • In the dialog that appears, under SW Version, leave the default choice 3.0 and Above.
  • Under Universal Unique ID (UUID), enter the UUID string you generated with the ncc license license-request command.
  • Click the Activate button at the bottom of the screen.
  • A license key will now be generated. Download it and save it as a plain-text file cc_license.txt.
  • Perform the Paragon Active Assurance upgrade according to the present document.
  • Finally, activate the license in Control Center using the command

Plugin Configuration File

This version introduces a new configuration file /etc/netrounds/plugin.yaml. During installation, this file needs to be updated with the correct database connection details if the latter have been changed from the default.

Special Procedure for Upgrade from 2.34

The upgrade from 2.34 to any release up to 3.3 involves an Ubuntu upgrade from version 16.04 to version 18.04. It is covered in the document Upgrading Control Center from Version 2.34.