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Import Device Profile (Freeform)

Device Profiles define the capabilities of supported hardware devices. They interact with devices via system agents. They don't include system IDs (serial numbers) which enables you to build your network in the Apstra environment 'offline' before you have your devices ready. In Freeform blueprints you import device profiles to provide context for configuring systems with config templates.

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Catalog > Device Profiles and click Import Device profile(s) (right-side).
  2. Select one or more check boxes for the device profile(s) to import into the blueprint. Only device profiles that are supported in Freeform appear in the list (Juniper devices only in Apstra release 4.1.1).
  3. Click Import to stage the change and return to the table view. The newly imported device profile(s) appear in the list.

Next Steps:

You're ready to create internal systems and assign your imported device profiles to them.