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Commit Blueprint

Uncommitted Overview

While you're staging your new blueprint (under the Staged tab), the status indicator on the Uncommitted tab is red. When you've finished staging the blueprint and resolved any build errors, the indicator turns yellow (or orange if you have warnings, as of Apstra version 4.0.1) and the Commit button turns from gray to black indicating that the blueprint is ready to be committed. When you commit your pending changes you are pushing configuration to the Active blueprint. The meaning of the status indicator colors are shown in the table below:

Table 1: Uncommitted Status Indicators
Status Indicator Color Description
Red The blueprint needs staging or has Build Errors that must be resolved before you can commit.
Orange The blueprint has Warnings to notify you of potential issues. The blueprint may or may not have staged changes. You can commit to a blueprint that has warnings and pending changes.
Yellow The blueprint has pending changes that you can commit to the blueprint.
Green The blueprint does not have any pending changes, warning, or errors. The blueprint is active and there is nothing to commit.

The blueprint below has warnings and pending changes. You can commit these changes.

The blueprint below has warnings and no pending changes. There is nothing to commit.

You can review pending changes, and then decide to commit those changes or discard them. For more information, see the sections below.

Review Staged Changes

  1. From the blueprint top menu, click Uncommitted to go to pending changes. You can review Logical Diff, Full Nodes Diff, Build Errors, and Warnings. Full nodes diff shows all uncommitted changes in one place, organized by node type, change type and raw data. You can sort and search the diffs, then preview the changed element. Full nodes diff requires a fair amount of resources and time to generate.
  2. From Logical Diff, click a name from the Name column to see detailed changes, additions or deletions for that element.

    In some cases, you have the option of viewing only the differences, as shown below.

    In Apstra version 4.1.2, the preview for config template changes is color-coded to easily see the content that has been added (in green) and the content that has been removed (in red).

  3. When you are finished reviewing your changes and you've resolved any build errors, proceed to commit your changes to the blueprint or discard them, as applicable.

Commit Staged Changes

  1. From the blueprint top menu, click Uncommitted and review changes as needed.
  2. Click Commit and add a description of the changes. We recommend that you enter the optional revision description to identify changes. These descriptions are displayed in the Revisions section of Time Voyager. If you don't add a description now you can always add one later. If you need to roll back to a previous revision, this description helps to determine the appropriate revision. Specific diffs between revisions are not displayed, so the description is the only change information available for that revision.
  3. Click Commit to push the staged changes to the active blueprint and create a revision. The Apstra engine validates all commits and makes sure everything works as it pushes configuration. Cabling anomalies may appear until validation is complete.
  4. While the task is active, you can click Active Tasks at the bottom of the screen for information about task progress. (Additional task history is available in the blueprint at Staged > Tasks.)

    When a blueprint has been committed and devices have been deployed, the network is up and running. However, networks are not static and can require modifications as they evolve. Due to Juniper Apstra's approach of the network as a single entity this is extremely easy; all required device configurations are generated and pushed to the devices when you commit the change. We call this Flexible Fabric Expansion (FFE).

Revert Staged Changes

If you decide not to commit staged changes to a blueprint, you can discard them.

From the blueprint top menu, click Uncommitted, then click Revert. In some cases, you might also need to reset resource group overrides.