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Creating a Custom Telemetry Collector

SUMMARY This topic describes the steps that are required to create a custom telemetry collector.

In this topic, we'll walk you through creating your own custom telemetry service using BFD as an example. In our example, the telemetry service collects the state of the BFD sessions you just configured. Our goal is to alert operations that a BFD session is down.

Execute the CLI Command

Starting in Apstra version 4.2.0, you can run CLI show commands for Junos devices directly from the Apstra GUI. Although you can run show commands without opening a CLI session, its primary purpose is to help you create your own custom telemetry collectors.

You can execute CLI commands from within the staged or active blueprint (shown in our example), or from the Devices > Managed Devices page.

To use the CLI command feature, navigate to a deployed Junos device in your blueprint as follows:

  1. From your blueprint, select Analytics > Staged Physical Topology (or Staged > Physical > Nodes) and then select your Juniper device node.
  2. In the Selection section that appears in the right panel, on the Device tab, click Execute CLI Command.
    In the dialog box that opens, select how you want to view the results: Text Mode, XML Mode, or JSON mode. Here we show examples of Text Mode and XML Mode.

    The CLI supports only Junos show commands. You cannot run commands that affect the device state, such as request system reboot. For information about the various show commands, see the CLI User Guide for Junos OS.

    Now, run the same show command (show route summary), but choose XML Mode.

    In the XML output, the XML path (BDF session) information is highlighted. This session information is what we'll use to create our telemetry collection service.

Identify the Key and Value of Interest from the CLI Output

This example shows you how to use the Execute CLI Command to view the neighbor addresses and state information (Up or Down) for your BDF session.
  1. Enter the show command (in this example, show bfd session).
  2. Click Execute to view the CLI output.

Create a Service Schema

To create your custom service collector, you first need to create a service schema to define how you want the returned data to be structured and stored.

A single telemetry service schema can have multiple collectors associated with it.

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices > Service Registry and click the Create Service Schema button.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, define your schema. This step identifies how the collector output is to be structured.
  3. Map the Telemetry Keys and Value Type.
    The telemetry key and value type is collection of key-value pairs that gets posted to Apstra.
    • The telemetry key is a string that identifies the interface name.

    • The value type is the piece of data that the probe executes against. The value type is usually a string (text), but could also be an integer (whole number).

    In our example, we defined the Service's key as neighbor and the Value Type as string.
  4. Click Update.
Now, let's proceed to the final step, Create a Collector.

Create a Collector

We've defined the data to collect and how we want this data to be organized and structured. Now we'll map these parts together.

A single telemetry service schema can have multiple collectors associated with it.

  1. From the left navigation pane, navigate to Devices > Collectors > Create Collector.
  2. Select the existing service schema (BFD) you created in the previous step and click Next.
  3. Select the platform (OS, OS Variant, OS version, and Model) and devices to target for telemetry collection. Defining a mix of these inputs enables you to be very broad or very granular. For example, you might have a use case where you only want to apply telemetry on the border leaf devices.
    1. Select the OS type , either junos or junos-evo.
      For more information on Junos-evo (also known as Junos OS Evolved) see the Junos OS Evolved documentation.

      If you do not define a Junos-evo collector for Junos-evo devices, the collector uses the corresponding Junos definition. This means if you use the same command between Junos and Junos-evo, you can create a single Junos collector definition for that service. If the command exists only on Junos-evo, you create a single collector definition for Junos-evo.

    2. Select the OS Variant the device belongs to and determine the CLI schema for a given device.
    3. Select the minimum OS Version the device must run for the collector to execute. If multiple collector definitions with different OS versions exist for the same service, the collector automatically chooses the one closest to the version the device is running.
    4. (Optional) Specify a Model or a regular expression to filter based on a device model or series.
      The table shows a list of target devices currently managed in Apstra and matches the applied combination of filters.
    5. Click Next.
  4. Run the CLI command.
    Use the show command to gather the date you want to collect from the device (in this example, show bdf session ).
  5. Map the Keys and Value.
    So far, we've defined the service schema, the target platforms, and the command the custom telemetry collector will execute. Next, we'll map the key(s) you defined in your schema and the value you want to track.

    To map the keys:

    1. Click Expand All to search for the RPC value you want to map.
      In the previous step, we established session-neighbor as the key value.
    2. Click Add Mapping.
    3. Assign session-neighbor to the key (in this example, neighbor).
      We defined this value earlier when we created a service schema.
    To map the value:
    1. Select the Value Source. In our example, we want to populate the value based on the dynamic session-state field returned by this CLI command.
    2. Search for the session-state field.
    3. Click Add Mapping.
    4. Assign session-state to map the value.
    5. Click Submit.

Validate That the Collector Is Working

Finally, in Advanced view, validate that the collector is working. Verify that the query and test results match your expected results.

Congratulations! You successfully created a collector.


When you define the integer (number) values for a collector, you might need to enter a value expression for the collector to function. This is because Junos occasionally reports number data as a string. Before the collector can be processed, you must perform a conversion from string to integer on the Apstra side.

To define the integer (number) values for a collector, enter int(value) into the Value Expression field and click Submit.