Apstra Flow supports the following standards-based IPFIX IEs (information elements):
ID | Name |
1 | octetDeltaCount |
2 | packetDeltaCount |
3 | deltaFlowCount |
4 | protocolIdentifier |
5 | ipClassOfService |
6 | tcpControlBits |
7 | sourceTransportPort |
8 | sourceIPv4Address |
9 | sourceIPv4PrefixLength |
10 | ingressInterface |
11 | destinationTransportPort |
12 | destinationIPv4Address |
13 | destinationIPv4PrefixLength |
14 | egressInterface |
15 | ipNextHopIPv4Address |
16 | bgpSourceAsNumber |
17 | bgpDestinationAsNumber |
18 | bgpNextHopIPv4Address |
19 | postMCastPacketDeltaCount |
20 | postMCastOctetDeltaCount |
21 | flowEndSysUpTime |
22 | flowStartSysUpTime |
23 | postOctetDeltaCount |
24 | postPacketDeltaCount |
25 | minimumIpTotalLength |
26 | maximumIpTotalLength |
27 | sourceIPv6Address |
28 | destinationIPv6Address |
29 | sourceIPv6PrefixLength |
30 | destinationIPv6PrefixLength |
31 | flowLabelIPv6 |
32 | icmpTypeCodeIPv4 |
33 | igmpType |
34 | samplingInterval |
35 | samplingAlgorithm |
36 | flowActiveTimeout |
37 | flowIdleTimeout |
38 | engineType |
39 | engineId |
40 | exportedOctetTotalCount |
41 | exportedMessageTotalCount |
42 | exportedFlowRecordTotalCount |
44 | sourceIPv4Prefix |
45 | destinationIPv4Prefix |
46 | mplsTopLabelType |
47 | mplsTopLabelIPv4Address |
48 | samplerId |
49 | samplerMode |
50 | samplerRandomInterval |
51 | classId |
52 | minimumTTL |
53 | maximumTTL |
54 | fragmentIdentification |
55 | postIpClassOfService |
56 | sourceMacAddress |
57 | postDestinationMacAddress |
58 | vlanId |
59 | postVlanId |
60 | ipVersion |
61 | flowDirection |
62 | ipNextHopIPv6Address |
63 | bgpNextHopIPv6Address |
64 | ipv6ExtensionHeaders |
65 | transportPacketLoss Cisco Legacy |
66 | transportUnreachability Cisco Legacy |
67 | transportLatency Cisco Legacy |
68 | dataPoints Cisco Legacy |
69 | variance Cisco Legacy |
70 | mplsTopLabelStackSection |
71 | mplsLabelStackSection2 |
72 | mplsLabelStackSection3 |
73 | mplsLabelStackSection4 |
74 | mplsLabelStackSection5 |
75 | mplsLabelStackSection6 |
76 | mplsLabelStackSection7 |
77 | mplsLabelStackSection8 |
78 | mplsLabelStackSection9 |
79 | mplsLabelStackSection10 |
80 | destinationMacAddress |
81 | postSourceMacAddress |
82 | interfaceName |
83 | interfaceDescription |
84 | samplerName |
85 | octetTotalCount |
86 | packetTotalCount |
87 | flagsAndSamplerId |
88 | fragmentOffset |
89 | forwardingStatus |
90 | mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher |
91 | mplsTopLabelPrefixLength |
92 | srcTrafficIndex |
93 | dstTrafficIndex |
94 | applicationDescription |
95 | applicationId |
96 | applicationName |
97 | subApplicationTag Cisco Legacy |
98 | postIpDiffServCodePoint |
99 | multicastReplicationFactor |
100 | className |
101 | classificationEngineId |
102 | layer2packetSectionOffset |
103 | layer2packetSectionSize |
104 | layer2packetSectionData |
105 | applicationVersion Cisco Legacy |
106 | applicationVersionName Cisco Legacy |
107 | applicationVendor Cisco Legacy |
109 | subApplicationName Cisco Legacy |
110 | subApplicationDescription Cisco Legacy |
111 | templateParameterRangeEnd Cisco Legacy |
128 | bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber |
129 | bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber |
130 | exporterIPv4Address |
131 | exporterIPv6Address |
132 | droppedOctetDeltaCount |
133 | droppedPacketDeltaCount |
134 | droppedOctetTotalCount |
135 | droppedPacketTotalCount |
136 | flowEndReason |
137 | commonPropertiesId |
138 | observationPointId |
139 | icmpTypeCodeIPv6 |
140 | mplsTopLabelIPv6Address |
141 | lineCardId |
142 | portId |
143 | meteringProcessId |
144 | exportingProcessId |
145 | templateId |
146 | wlanChannelId |
147 | wlanSSID |
148 | flowId |
149 | observationDomainId |
150 | flowStartSeconds |
151 | flowEndSeconds |
152 | flowStartMilliseconds |
153 | flowEndMilliseconds |
154 | flowStartMicroseconds |
155 | flowEndMicroseconds |
156 | flowStartNanoseconds |
157 | flowEndNanoseconds |
158 | flowStartDeltaMicroseconds |
159 | flowEndDeltaMicroseconds |
160 | systemInitTimeMilliseconds |
161 | flowDurationMilliseconds |
162 | flowDurationMicroseconds |
163 | observedFlowTotalCount |
164 | ignoredPacketTotalCount |
165 | ignoredOctetTotalCount |
166 | notSentFlowTotalCount |
167 | notSentPacketTotalCount |
168 | notSentOctetTotalCount |
169 | destinationIPv6Prefix |
170 | sourceIPv6Prefix |
171 | postOctetTotalCount |
172 | postPacketTotalCount |
173 | flowKeyIndicator |
174 | postMCastPacketTotalCount |
175 | postMCastOctetTotalCount |
176 | icmpTypeIPv4 |
177 | icmpCodeIPv4 |
178 | icmpTypeIPv6 |
179 | icmpCodeIPv6 |
180 | udpSourcePort |
181 | udpDestinationPort |
182 | tcpSourcePort |
183 | tcpDestinationPort |
184 | tcpSequenceNumber |
185 | tcpAcknowledgementNumber |
186 | tcpWindowSize |
187 | tcpUrgentPointer |
188 | tcpHeaderLength |
189 | ipHeaderLength |
190 | totalLengthIPv4 |
191 | payloadLengthIPv6 |
192 | ipTTL |
193 | nextHeaderIPv6 |
194 | mplsPayloadLength |
195 | ipDiffServCodePoint |
196 | ipPrecedence |
197 | fragmentFlags |
198 | octetDeltaSumOfSquares |
199 | octetTotalSumOfSquares |
200 | mplsTopLabelTTL |
201 | mplsLabelStackLength |
202 | mplsLabelStackDepth |
203 | mplsTopLabelExp |
204 | ipPayloadLength |
205 | udpMessageLength |
206 | isMulticast |
207 | ipv4IHL |
208 | ipv4Options |
209 | tcpOptions |
210 | paddingOctets |
211 | collectorIPv4Address |
212 | collectorIPv6Address |
213 | exportInterface |
214 | exportProtocolVersion |
215 | exportTransportProtocol |
216 | collectorTransportPort |
217 | exporterTransportPort |
218 | tcpSynTotalCount |
219 | tcpFinTotalCount |
220 | tcpRstTotalCount |
221 | tcpPshTotalCount |
222 | tcpAckTotalCount |
223 | tcpUrgTotalCount |
224 | ipTotalLength |
225 | postNATSourceIPv4Address |
226 | postNATDestinationIPv4Address |
227 | postNAPTSourceTransportPort |
228 | postNAPTDestinationTransportPort |
229 | natOriginatingAddressRealm |
230 | natEvent |
231 | initiatorOctets |
232 | responderOctets |
233 | firewallEvent |
234 | ingressVRFID |
235 | egressVRFID |
236 | VRFname |
237 | postMplsTopLabelExp |
238 | tcpWindowScale |
239 | biflowDirection |
240 | ethernetHeaderLength |
241 | ethernetPayloadLength |
242 | ethernetTotalLength |
243 | dot1qVlanId |
244 | dot1qPriority |
245 | dot1qCustomerVlanId |
246 | dot1qCustomerPriority |
247 | metroEvcId |
248 | metroEvcType |
249 | pseudoWireId |
250 | pseudoWireType |
251 | pseudoWireControlWord |
252 | ingressPhysicalInterface |
253 | egressPhysicalInterface |
254 | postDot1qVlanId |
255 | postDot1qCustomerVlanId |
256 | ethernetType |
257 | postIpPrecedence |
258 | collectionTimeMilliseconds |
259 | exportSctpStreamId |
260 | maxExportSeconds |
261 | maxFlowEndSeconds |
262 | messageMD5Checksum |
263 | messageScope |
264 | minExportSeconds |
265 | minFlowStartSeconds |
266 | opaqueOctets |
267 | sessionScope |
268 | maxFlowEndMicroseconds |
269 | maxFlowEndMilliseconds |
270 | maxFlowEndNanoseconds |
271 | minFlowStartMicroseconds |
272 | minFlowStartMilliseconds |
273 | minFlowStartNanoseconds |
274 | collectorCertificate |
275 | exporterCertificate |
276 | dataRecordsReliability |
277 | observationPointType |
278 | newConnectionDeltaCount |
279 | connectionSumDurationSeconds |
280 | connectionTransactionId |
281 | postNATSourceIPv6Address |
282 | postNATDestinationIPv6Address |
283 | natPoolId |
284 | natPoolName |
285 | anonymizationFlags |
286 | anonymizationTechnique |
287 | informationElementIndex |
288 | p2pTechnology |
289 | tunnelTechnology |
290 | encryptedTechnology |
294 | bgpValidityState |
295 | IPSecSPI |
296 | greKey |
297 | natType |
298 | initiatorPackets |
299 | responderPackets |
300 | observationDomainName |
301 | selectionSequenceId |
302 | selectorId |
303 | informationElementId |
304 | selectorAlgorithm |
305 | samplingPacketInterval |
306 | samplingPacketSpace |
307 | samplingTimeInterval |
308 | samplingTimeSpace |
309 | samplingSize |
310 | samplingPopulation |
311 | samplingProbability |
312 | dataLinkFrameSize |
313 | ipHeaderPacketSection |
314 | ipPayloadPacketSection |
315 | dataLinkFrameSection |
316 | mplsLabelStackSection |
317 | mplsPayloadPacketSection |
318 | selectorIdTotalPktsObserved |
319 | selectorIdTotalPktsSelected |
320 | absoluteError |
321 | relativeError |
322 | observationTimeSeconds |
323 | observationTimeMilliseconds |
324 | observationTimeMicroseconds |
325 | observationTimeNanoseconds |
326 | digestHashValue |
327 | hashIPPayloadOffset |
328 | hashIPPayloadSize |
329 | hashOutputRangeMin |
330 | hashOutputRangeMax |
331 | hashSelectedRangeMin |
332 | hashSelectedRangeMax |
333 | hashDigestOutput |
334 | hashInitialiserValue |
335 | selectorName |
336 | upperCILimit |
337 | lowerCILimit |
338 | confidenceLevel |
339 | informationElementDataType |
340 | informationElementDescription |
341 | informationElementName |
342 | informationElementRangeBegin |
343 | informationElementRangeEnd |
344 | informationElementSemantics |
345 | informationElementUnits |
346 | privateEnterpriseNumber |
347 | virtualStationInterfaceId |
348 | virtualStationInterfaceName |
349 | virtualStationUUID |
350 | virtualStationName |
351 | layer2SegmentId |
352 | layer2OctetDeltaCount |
353 | layer2OctetTotalCount |
354 | ingressUnicastPacketTotalCount |
355 | ingressMulticastPacketTotalCount |
356 | ingressBroadcastPacketTotalCount |
357 | egressUnicastPacketTotalCount |
358 | egressBroadcastPacketTotalCount |
359 | monitoringIntervalStartMilliSeconds |
360 | monitoringIntervalEndMilliSeconds |
361 | portRangeStart |
362 | portRangeEnd |
363 | portRangeStepSize |
364 | portRangeNumPorts |
365 | staMacAddress |
366 | staIPv4Address |
367 | wtpMacAddress |
368 | ingressInterfaceType |
369 | egressInterfaceType |
370 | rtpSequenceNumber |
371 | userName |
372 | applicationCategoryName |
373 | applicationSubCategoryName |
374 | applicationGroupName |
375 | originalFlowsPresent |
376 | originalFlowsInitiated |
377 | originalFlowsCompleted |
378 | distinctCountOfSourceIPAddress |
379 | distinctCountOfDestinationIPAddress |
380 | distinctCountOfSourceIPv4Address |
381 | distinctCountOfDestinationIPv4Address |
382 | distinctCountOfSourceIPv6Address |
383 | distinctCountOfDestinationIPv6Address |
384 | valueDistributionMethod |
385 | rfc3550JitterMilliseconds |
386 | rfc3550JitterMicroseconds |
387 | rfc3550JitterNanoseconds |
388 | dot1qDEI |
389 | dot1qCustomerDEI |
390 | flowSelectorAlgorithm |
391 | flowSelectedOctetDeltaCount |
392 | flowSelectedPacketDeltaCount |
393 | flowSelectedFlowDeltaCount |
394 | selectorIDTotalFlowsObserved |
395 | selectorIDTotalFlowsSelected |
396 | samplingFlowInterval |
397 | samplingFlowSpacing |
398 | flowSamplingTimeInterval |
399 | flowSamplingTimeSpacing |
400 | hashFlowDomain |
401 | transportOctetDeltaCount |
402 | transportPacketDeltaCount |
403 | originalExporterIPv4Address |
404 | originalExporterIPv6Address |
405 | originalObservationDomainId |
406 | intermediateProcessId |
407 | ignoredDataRecordTotalCount |
408 | dataLinkFrameType |
409 | sectionOffset |
410 | sectionExportedOctets |
411 | dot1qServiceInstanceTag |
412 | dot1qServiceInstanceId |
413 | dot1qServiceInstancePriority |
414 | dot1qCustomerSourceMacAddress |
415 | dot1qCustomerDestinationMacAddress |
416 | layer2OctetDeltaCount |
417 | postLayer2OctetDeltaCount |
418 | postMCastLayer2OctetDeltaCount |
419 | layer2OctetTotalCount |
420 | postLayer2OctetTotalCount |
421 | postMCastLayer2OctetTotalCount |
422 | minimumLayer2TotalLength |
423 | maximumLayer2TotalLength |
424 | droppedLayer2OctetDeltaCount |
425 | droppedLayer2OctetTotalCount |
426 | ignoredLayer2OctetTotalCount |
427 | notSentLayer2OctetTotalCount |
428 | layer2OctetDeltaSumOfSquares |
429 | layer2OctetTotalSumOfSquares |
430 | layer2FrameDeltaCount |
431 | layer2FrameTotalCount |
432 | pseudoWireDestinationIPv4Address |
433 | ignoredLayer2FrameTotalCount |
434 | mibObjectValueInteger |
435 | mibObjectValueOctetString |
436 | mibObjectValueOID |
437 | mibObjectValueBits |
438 | mibObjectValueIPAddress |
439 | mibObjectValueCounter |
440 | mibObjectValueGauge |
441 | mibObjectValueTimeTicks |
442 | mibObjectValueUnsigned |
445 | mibObjectIdentifier |
446 | mibSubIdentifier |
447 | mibIndexIndicator |
448 | mibCaptureTimeSemantics |
449 | mibContextEngineID |
450 | mibContextName |
451 | mibObjectName |
452 | mibObjectDescription |
453 | mibObjectSyntax |
454 | mibModuleName |
455 | mobileIMSI |
456 | mobileMSISDN |
457 | httpStatusCode |
458 | sourceTransportPortsLimit |
459 | httpRequestMethod |
460 | httpRequestHost |
461 | httpRequestTarget |
462 | httpMessageVersion |
463 | natInstanceID |
464 | internalAddressRealm |
465 | externalAddressRealm |
466 | natQuotaExceededEvent |
467 | natThresholdEvent |
468 | httpUserAgent |
469 | httpContentType |
470 | httpReasonPhrase |
471 | maxSessionEntries |
472 | maxBIBEntries |
473 | maxEntriesPerUser |
474 | maxSubscribers |
475 | maxFragmentsPendingReassembly |
476 | addressPoolHighThreshold |
477 | addressPoolLowThreshold |
478 | addressPortMappingHighThreshold |
479 | addressPortMappingLowThreshold |
480 | addressPortMappingPerUserHighThreshold |
481 | globalAddressMappingHighThreshold |
482 | vpnIdentifier |
483 | bgpCommunity |
486 | bgpExtendedCommunity |
489 | bgpLargeCommunity |
Cisco (PEN: 9)
- cTag
- scTrafficProcessorId
- scSourceIpSample
- scDestinationIpSample
- scFlowContextId
- scSubscriberId
- scPackageId
- scServiceId
- scProtocolId
- scSkipppedSessions
- scInitiatingSide
- scReportTime
- scTransactionDurationMillisec
- scTimeFrame
- scSessionUpstreamVolume
- scSessionDownstreamVolume
- scProtocolSignature
- scZoneId
- scFlavorId
- scFlowCloseMode
- scAccessString
- scInfoString
- scClientPort
- scServerPort
- scSubscriberCounterId
- scServiceUsageCounterId
- scBreachState
- scReason
- scConfiguredDuration
- scDuration
- scEndTime
- scUpstreamVolume
- scDownstreamVolume
- scSessions
- scSeconds
- scPackageCounterId
- scGeneratorId
- scServiceGlobalCounterId
- scConcurrentSessions
- scActiveSubscribers
- scTotalActiveSubscribers
- scLinkId
- scAttackId
- scAttackIp
- scAttackOtherIp
- scAttackPortNumber
- scAttackType
- scAttackSide
- scAttackIpProtocol
- scAttacks
- scAttackMaliciousSessions
- audio rtp packets lost
- audio rtp packets expected
- audio rtp fwd out-of-sequence sum
- audio rtp seconds ok
- audio rtp seconds concealed
- audio rtp seconds concealed severe
- audio rtp jitter ticks
- audio g107 impairment
- audio g107 lossRate
- audio g107 codec baseline
- audio g107 codec baseline bpl
- audio g107 impairment one-way-delay
- audio concealment ratio now
- audio concealment ratio minimum
- audio concealment ratio maximum
- audio concealment time
- audio speech time
- audio packets ok
- audio packets cs
- audio packets scs
- audio packets rtp
- audio packets silence
- audio duration receive
- audio duration receive voice
- audio duration early packet
- audio duration clock adjust
- audio duration playout increase
- audio duration playout decrease
- audio duration late discard
- audio frame size
- audio frames-per-packet
- audio frame arriving times difference
- audio frame arriving times difference vari
- audio noise level current
- audio noise level average
- audio noise level minimum
- audio noise level maximum
- audio noise level configured
- audio snr current
- audio snr average
- audio snr minimum
- audio snr maximum
- audio snr configured
- vxlan sgt
- vxlan flags
- vxlan vtep input
- vxlan vtep output
- flow cts switch derived-sgt
- waas dre input
- waas dre output
- waas lz input
- waas lz output
- waas original bytes
- waas optimised bytes
- waas application
- waas class
- waas connection mode
- waas bytes input
- waas bytes output
- counter packets dropped permanent
- application media bytes counter
- application media bytes counter permanent
- application media bytes rate
- application media packets counter
- application media packets counter permanen
- application media packets rate
- application media packets rate variation
- application media event
- monitor event
- timestamp interval
- transport packets expected counter
- transport packets expected counter permane
- transport round-trip-time
- transport event packet-loss counter
- transport event packet-loss counter perman
- transport packets lost counter
- transport packets lost counter permanent
- transport packets lost rate
- transport rtp ssrc
- transport rtp jitter mean
- transport rtp jitter minimum
- transport rtp jitter maximum
- misc unsupported
- counter bytes rate per-flow
- counter bytes rate per-flow min
- counter bytes rate per-flow max
- counter packets rate per-flow
- counter packets rate per-flow min
- counter packets rate per-flow max
- application media bytes rate per-flow
- application media bytes rate per-flow min
- application media bytes rate per-flow max
- application media packets rate variation m
- application media packets rate variation m
- transport rtp flow count
- transport rtp payload-type
- transport packets lost counter min
- transport packets lost counter max
- transport event packet-loss counter min
- transport event packet-loss counter max
- transport packets lost rate min
- transport packets lost rate max
- transport tcp flow count
- transport round-trip-time sum
- transport round-trip-time samples
- transport round-trip-time min
- transport round-trip-time max
- metadata global-session-id
- metadata multi-party-session-id
- metadata clock-rate
- server response time average
- refused sessions
- client network delay average
- server network delay average
- NETWORK_DELAY_AVG {network delay average
- application delay average
- session time minimum
- session time maximum
- session time average
- transaction time average
- closed sessions
- retransmitted packets
- transport bytes out-of-order
- client throughput average
- unresponsive sessions
- transport packets out-of-order
- IPv4 source observation node
- IPv4 destination observation node
- IPv6 source observation node
- IPv6 destination observation node
- pfr one-way-delay sum
- pfr one-way-delay samples
- pfr one-way-delay
- packet arrival timestamp
- transport tcp window-size minimum
- transport tcp window-size maximum
- transport tcp window-size average
- transport tcp maximum-segment-size
- transport tcp window-size sum
- tcpWindowSizeSum
- transport rtp jitter mean sum
- application media packets rate variation
- transport tcp window-size average sum
- transport rtp jitter inter arrival sum
- transport rtp jitter inter arrival samples
- transport rtp jitter inter arrival mean
- pfr site source id ipv4
- pfr site destination id ipv4
- transport bytes lost
- transport bytes expected
- transport bytes lost rate
- network delay sum
- network delay sample
- pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
- pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
- pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
- pfr site source prefix ipv4
- pfr site destination prefix ipv4
- pfr site source prefix ipv6
- pfr site destination prefix ipv6
- pfr site source prefix mask ipv4
- pfr site destination prefix mask ipv4
- pfr site source prefix mask ipv6
- pfr site destination prefix mask ipv6
- pfr service provider tag identifier
- pfr label identifier
- application voice number called
- application voice number calling
- application voice setup time
- application voice call duration
- application voice rx bad-packet
- application voice rx out-of-sequence
- application voice codec id
- application voice play delay current
- application voice play delay minimum
- application voice play delay maximum
- application voice sip call-id
- application voice router global-call-id
- application voice delay round-trip
- application voice delay end-point
- application voice r-factor 1
- application voice r-factor 2
- application voice mos conversation
- application voice mos listening
- application voice concealment-ratio averag
- application voice jitter configured type
- application voice jitter configured minimu
- application voice jitter configured maximu
- application voice jitter configured initia
- application voice rx early-packet count
- application voice rx late-packet count
- application voice jitter buffer-overrun
- application voice packet conceal-count
- bandwidth used
- bandwidth used percentage
- application video resolution width last
- application video resolution height last
- application video frame rate
- application video payload bitrate average
- application video payload bitrate fluctuat
- application video frame I counter frames
- application video frame I counter packets
- application video frame I counter bytes
- application video frame STR counter frames
- application video frame STR counter packet
- application video frame STR counter bytes
- application video frame LTR counter frames
- application video frame LTR counter packet
- application video frame LTR counter bytes
- application video frame super-P counter fr
- application video frame super-P counter pa
- application video frame super-P counter by
- application video frame NR counter frames
- application video frame NR counter packets
- application video frame NR counter bytes
- application video frame I slice-quantizati
- application video frame STR slice-quantiza
- application video frame LTR slice-quantiza
- application video frame super-P slice-quan
- application video frame NR slice-quantizat
- application video eMOS compression bitstre
- application video eMOS compression network
- application video frame I counter packets
- application video frame STR counter packet
- application video frame LTR counter packet
- application video frame super-P counter pa
- application video frame NR counter packets
- application video frame percentage damaged
- application video eMOS packet-loss bitstre
- application video eMOS packet-loss network
- application video scene-complexity
- application video level-of-motion
- transport rtp sequence-number
- transport rtp sequence-number last
- iOAM my node-id
- iOAM my node name
- start timestamp
- end timestamp
- IOAM packet counter
- IOAM byte count
- IOAM cs0 packet counter
- IOAM cs0 byte count
- IOAM cs1 packet counter
- IOAM cs1 byte count
- IOAM cs2 packet counter
- IOAM cs2 byte count
- IOAM cs3 packet counter
- IOAM cs3 byte count
- IOAM cs4 packet counter
- IOAM cs4 byte count
- IOAM cs5 packet counter
- IOAM cs5 byte count
- IOAM cs6 packet counter
- IOAM cs6 byte count
- IOAM cs7 packet counter
- IOAM cs7 byte count
- IOAM lost packet counter
- IOAM duplicate packet counter
- IOAM reordered packet counter
- IOAM highest PPC sequence number
- iOAM node-id
- ipv6 protocol filed
- iOAM E2E Header
- iOAM Path Map
- iOAM number of nodes
- iOAM node1 id
- iOAM node1 in if id
- iOAM node1 eif id
- iOAM node2 id
- iOAM node2 in if id
- iOAM node2 eif id
- iOAM node3 id
- iOAM node3 in if id
- iOAM node3 eif id
- iOAM node4 id
- iOAM node4 in if id
- iOAM node4 eif id
- iOAM Application metadata
- iOAM sfc-id
- iOAM sfc validated count
- iOAM sfc invalidated count
- pfr br ipv4 address
- pfr status
- reason id
- threshold
- pfr priority
- long-term round-trip-time
- mos below
- rsvp bw pool
- flow left time
- bw percentage
- bw fee
- transport source-port min
- transport source-port max
- transport destination-port min
- transport destination-port max
- capacity
- ingress bw
- max ingress bw
- egress bw
- max egress bw
- ingress rollup bw
- egress rollup bw
- kth rollup bw
- link group name
- bgp community
- bgp prepend
- entrance downgrade
- discard rollup count
- services pfr class-tag-id
- services pfr mc-id
- sip header from uri host ip addr
- sip header from uri userinfo user
- sip header to uri host ip addr
- sip header to uri userinfo user
- sip sess duration
- sip sess end_reason
- sip sess_dialed
- sip sess_connected
- sip sess_failed
- artClientNetworkTimeLongLivedMaximum
- artClientNetworkTimeLongLivedMinimum
- artServerNetworkTimeLongLivedMaximum
- artServerNetworkTimeLongLivedMinimum
- policy qos classification hierarchy
- c3pl class cce-id
- c3pl class name
- c3pl class type
- c3pl policy cce-id
- c3pl policy name
- c3pl policy type
- interface input fex-node-id
- interface output fex-node-id
- interface power
- monitor device-type
- connection server counter bytes network
- connection client counter bytes network
- wireless afd drop packets
- wireless afd accept packets
- wireless afd drop bytes
- wireless afd accept bytes
- connection concurrent-connections
- application transaction counter new
- services waas segment
- services waas passthrough-reason
- connection delay network long-lived to-ser
- connection delay network long-lived to-cli
- connection delay network long-lived client
- connection delay network client-to-server
- connection delay network to-server num-sam
- connection delay network to-client num-sam
- artClientpackets
- artServerpackets
- connection client counter bytes retransmit
- connection client counter packets retransm
- connection server counter bytes retransmit
- connection server counter packets retransm
- connection transaction counter complete
- connection transaction duration sum
- connection transaction duration max
- connection transaction duration min
- art count new connections
- art count responses
- art count responses histogram bucket1
- art count responses histogram bucket2
- art count responses histogram bucket3
- art count responses histogram bucket4
- art count responses histogram bucket5
- art count responses histogram bucket6
- art count responses histogram bucket7
- connection delay response to-server histog
- connection delay response to-server sum
- connection delay response to-server max
- connection delay response to-server min
- connection delay application sum
- connection delay application max
- connection delay application min
- connection delay response client-to-server
- connection delay response client-to-server
- connection delay response client-to-server
- connection delay network client-to-server
- connection delay network client-to-server
- connection delay network client-to-server
- onnection delay network to-client sum
- connection delay network to-client max
- connection delay network to-client min
- connection delay network to-server sum
- connection delay network to-server max
- connection delay network to-server min
- mos worst 100
- mos quality
- mos total count
- application http uri statistics
- policy qos queue index
- policy qos queue drops
- datalink event
- datalink event extended
- l4r server ipv4 address
- l4r server transport port
- l4r server ipv6 address
- l4r event
- l4r event timestamp
- pbhk mapped ipv4 address
- pbhk mapped transport port
- pbhk event
- pbhk event timestamp
- ETAByteDistribution
- application family name
- application set name
- application category name
- application sub category name
- application group name
- AVCSubApplicationValue
- connection client ipv4 address
- connection server ipv4 address
- connection client ipv6 address
- connection server ipv6 address
- connection client transport port
- connection server transport port
- connection id
- application traffic-class
- application business-relevance
- nvzFlowUDID
- nvzFlowLoggedInUser
- nvzFlowOSName
- nvzFlowOSVersion
- nvzFlowSystemManufacturer
- nvzFlowSystemType
- nvzFlowProcessAccount
- nvzFlowParentProcessAccount
- nvzFlowProcessName
- nvzFlowProcessHash
- nvzFlowParentProcessName
- nvzFlowParentProcessHash
- nvzFlowDNSSuffix
- nvzFlowDestinationHostname
- nvzFlowL4ByteCountIn
- nvzFlowL4ByteCountOut
- nvzFlowOSEdition
- nvzFlowModuleNameList
- nvzFlowModuleHashList
- nvzFlowCoordinatesList
- nvzFlowInterfaceInfoUID
- nvzFlowInterfaceIndex
- nvzFlowInterfaceType
- nvzFlowInterfaceName
- nvzFlowInterfaceDetailsList
- nvzFlowInterfaceMac
- nvzFlowUserAccountType
- nvzFlowProcessAccountType
- nvzFlowParentProcessAccountType
- overlay session id input
- overlay session id output
- routing vrf service
- tloc table overlay session id
- tloc local system ip address
- tloc local color
- tloc remote system ip address
- tloc remote color
- tloc tunnel protocol
- connection id long
- drop cause id
- counter bytes sdwan dropped long
- sdwan sla-not-met
- sdwan preferred-color-not-met
- sdwan qos-queue-id
- drop cause name
- counter packets appqoe fec-d-pkts
- counter packets appqoe fec-r-pkts
- counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-d-pkts-orig
- counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-d-pkts-dup
- counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-r-pkts
- counter packets sdwan pkt-cxp-d-pkts
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-read
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-written
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-en-read
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-en-written
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-de-read
- counter bytes appqoe ssl-de-written
- appqoe ssl service type
- appqoe ssl traffic type
- appqoe ssl policy action
- ETAInitialDataPacketOld
- ETASequenceofPktLengthsandTimes
- wlan_id
- timestampAbsoluteMonitoring-intervalStart
- timestampAbsoluteMonitoring-intervalEnd
Juniper Networks (PEN: 2636)
- ifa_headers
- ifa_metadata
- ifa_sampled_packet
- Packet Loss Priority
- Forwarding Class Name
VMware (PEN: 6876)
- tenantProtocol
- tenantSourceIPv4
- tenantDestIPv4
- tenantSourceIPv6
- tenantDestIPv6
- tenantSourcePort
- tenantDestPort
- egressInterfaceAttr
- vxlanExportRole
- ingressInterfaceAttr
- tunnelType
- tunnelKey
- tunnelSourceIPv4Address
- tunnelDestinationIPv4Address
- tunnelProtocolIdentifier
- tunnelSourceTransportPort
- tunnelDestinationTransportPort
- virtualObsID
- ruleId
- vmUuid
- vnicIndex
- sessionFlags
- flowDirection
- algControlFlowId
- algType
- algFlowType
- averageLatency
- retransmissionCount
- vifUuid
- vifId
LANcope, now Cisco (PEN: 8712)
- FlowSensorInitiator
- FlowSensorTCPSYNACKTotalCount
- FlowSensorTCPSRSTotalCount
- FlowSensorRoundTripTime
- FlowSensorServerResponseTime
- FlowSensorRetransmits
- FlowSensorTCPBadTotalCount
- FlowSensorTCPFragTotalCount
- FlowSensorSourceEmailIn
- FlowSensorSourceEmailOut
- FlowSensorSourceEmailInMessages
- FlowSensorSourceEmailOutMessages
- FlowSensorSourceEmailInTrys
- FlowSensorSourceEmailOutTrys
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailIn
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailOut
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailInMessages
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailOutMessages
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailInTrys
- FlowSensorDestinationEmailOutTrys
- FlowSensorTraces
- FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPProtocol
- FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPType
- FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPCode
- FlowSensorApplicationIdentifier
- FlowSensorBadFlagXmas
- FlowSensorBadFlagSYNFIN
- FlowSensorBadFlagBadRST
- FlowSensorBadFlagNoACK
- FlowSensorBadFlagURG
- FlowSensorBadFlagNoFlag
- FlowSensorShortFragAttack
- FlowSensorFragPacketTooShort
- FlowSensorFragPacketTooLong
- FlowSensorFragPacketDifferentSizes
- FlowSensorApplicationDetails
- FlowSensorTrustsecSourceIdentifier
- EndpointFlowProcessAccount
- EndpointFlowProcessName
- EndpointFlowProcessHash
- EndpointFlowParentProcessAccount
- EndpointFlowParentProcessName
- EndpointFlowParentProcessHash
IPFIX Reverse Information Element Private Enterprise (PEN: 29305)
- octetDeltaCount
- packetDeltaCount
- deltaFlowCount
- protocolIdentifier
- ipClassOfService
- tcpControlBits
- sourceTransportPort
- sourceIPv4Address
- sourceIPv4PrefixLength
- ingressInterface
- destinationTransportPort
- destinationIPv4Address
- destinationIPv4PrefixLength
- egressInterface
- ipNextHopIPv4Address
- bgpSourceAsNumber
- bgpDestinationAsNumber
- bgpNextHopIPv4Address
- postMCastPacketDeltaCount
- postMCastOctetDeltaCount
- flowEndSysUpTime
- flowStartSysUpTime
- postOctetDeltaCount
- postPacketDeltaCount
- minimumIpTotalLength
- maximumIpTotalLength
- sourceIPv6Address
- destinationIPv6Address
- sourceIPv6PrefixLength
- destinationIPv6PrefixLength
- flowLabelIPv6
- icmpTypeCodeIPv4
- igmpType
- samplingInterval
- samplingAlgorithm
- flowActiveTimeout
- flowIdleTimeout
- engineType
- engineId
- ipv4RouterSc
- sourceIPv4Prefix
- destinationIPv4Prefix
- mplsTopLabelType
- mplsTopLabelIPv4Address
- samplerId
- samplerMode
- samplerRandomInterval
- classId
- minimumTTL
- maximumTTL
- fragmentIdentification
- postIpClassOfService
- sourceMacAddress
- postDestinationMacAddress
- vlanId
- postVlanId
- ipVersion
- flowDirection
- ipNextHopIPv6Address
- bgpNextHopIPv6Address
- ipv6ExtensionHeaders
- mplsTopLabelStackSection
- mplsLabelStackSection2
- mplsLabelStackSection3
- mplsLabelStackSection4
- mplsLabelStackSection5
- mplsLabelStackSection6
- mplsLabelStackSection7
- mplsLabelStackSection8
- mplsLabelStackSection9
- mplsLabelStackSection10
- destinationMacAddress
- postSourceMacAddress
- interfaceName
- interfaceDescription
- samplerName
- octetTotalCount
- packetTotalCount
- flagsAndSamplerId
- fragmentOffset
- forwardingStatus
- mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher
- mplsTopLabelPrefixLength
- srcTrafficIndex
- dstTrafficIndex
- applicationDescription
- applicationId
- applicationName
- postIpDiffServCodePoint
- multicastReplicationFactor
- className
- classificationEngineId
- layer2packetSectionOffset
- layer2packetSectionSize
- layer2packetSectionData
- bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber
- bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber
- droppedOctetDeltaCount
- droppedPacketDeltaCount
- droppedOctetTotalCount
- droppedPacketTotalCount
- flowEndReason
- observationPointId
- icmpTypeCodeIPv6
- mplsTopLabelIPv6Address
- lineCardId
- portId
- meteringProcessId
- exportingProcessId
- wlanChannelId
- wlanSSID
- flowStartSeconds
- flowEndSeconds
- flowStartMilliseconds
- flowEndMilliseconds
- flowStartMicroseconds
- flowEndMicroseconds
- flowStartNanoseconds
- flowEndNanoseconds
- flowStartDeltaMicroseconds
- flowEndDeltaMicroseconds
- systemInitTimeMilliseconds
- flowDurationMilliseconds
- flowDurationMicroseconds
- destinationIPv6Prefix
- sourceIPv6Prefix
- postOctetTotalCount
- postPacketTotalCount
- postMCastPacketTotalCount
- postMCastOctetTotalCount
- icmpTypeIPv4
- icmpCodeIPv4
- icmpTypeIPv6
- icmpCodeIPv6
- udpSourcePort
- udpDestinationPort
- tcpSourcePort
- tcpDestinationPort
- tcpSequenceNumber
- tcpAcknowledgementNumber
- tcpWindowSize
- tcpUrgentPointer
- tcpHeaderLength
- ipHeaderLength
- totalLengthIPv4
- payloadLengthIPv6
- ipTTL
- nextHeaderIPv6
- mplsPayloadLength
- ipDiffServCodePoint
- ipPrecedence
- fragmentFlags
- octetDeltaSumOfSquares
- octetTotalSumOfSquares
- mplsTopLabelTTL
- mplsLabelStackLength
- mplsLabelStackDepth
- mplsTopLabelExp
- ipPayloadLength
- udpMessageLength
- isMulticast
- ipv4IHL
- ipv4Options
- tcpOptions
- tcpSynTotalCount
- tcpFinTotalCount
- tcpRstTotalCount
- tcpPshTotalCount
- tcpAckTotalCount
- tcpUrgTotalCount
- ipTotalLength
- postNATSourceIPv4Address
- postNATDestinationIPv4Address
- postNAPTSourceTransportPort
- postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
- natOriginatingAddressRealm
- natEvent
- initiatorOctets
- responderOctets
- firewallEvent
- ingressVRFID
- egressVRFID
- VRFname
- postMplsTopLabelExp
- tcpWindowScale
- ethernetHeaderLength
- ethernetPayloadLength
- ethernetTotalLength
- dot1qVlanId
- dot1qPriority
- dot1qCustomerVlanId
- dot1qCustomerPriority
- metroEvcId
- metroEvcType
- pseudoWireId
- pseudoWireType
- pseudoWireControlWord
- ingressPhysicalInterface
- egressPhysicalInterface
- postDot1qVlanId
- postDot1qCustomerVlanId
- ethernetType
- postIpPrecedence
- collectionTimeMilliseconds
- exportSctpStreamId
- maxExportSeconds
- maxFlowEndSeconds
- messageMD5Checksum
- messageScope
- minExportSeconds
- minFlowStartSeconds
- opaqueOctets
- sessionScope
- maxFlowEndMicroseconds
- maxFlowEndMilliseconds
- maxFlowEndNanoseconds
- minFlowStartMicroseconds
- minFlowStartMilliseconds
- minFlowStartNanoseconds
- collectorCertificate
- exporterCertificate
- dataRecordsReliability
- observationPointType
- newConnectionDeltaCount
- connectionSumDurationSeconds
- connectionTransactionId
- postNATSourceIPv6Address
- postNATDestinationIPv6Address
- natPoolId
- natPoolName
- anonymizationFlags
- anonymizationTechnique
- informationElementIndex
- p2pTechnology
- tunnelTechnology
- encryptedTechnology
- basicList
- subTemplateList
- subTemplateMultiList
- bgpValidityState
- greKey
- natType
- initiatorPackets
- responderPackets
- observationDomainName
- selectionSequenceId
- selectorId
- informationElementId
- selectorAlgorithm
- samplingPacketInterval
- samplingPacketSpace
- samplingTimeInterval
- samplingTimeSpace
- samplingSize
- samplingPopulation
- samplingProbability
- dataLinkFrameSize
- ipHeaderPacketSection
- ipPayloadPacketSection
- dataLinkFrameSection
- mplsLabelStackSection
- mplsPayloadPacketSection
- selectorIdTotalPktsObserved
- selectorIdTotalPktsSelected
- absoluteError
- relativeError
- observationTimeSeconds
- observationTimeMilliseconds
- observationTimeMicroseconds
- observationTimeNanoseconds
- digestHashValue
- hashIPPayloadOffset
- hashIPPayloadSize
- hashOutputRangeMin
- hashOutputRangeMax
- hashSelectedRangeMin
- hashSelectedRangeMax
- hashDigestOutput
- hashInitialiserValue
- selectorName
- upperCILimit
- lowerCILimit
- confidenceLevel
- informationElementDataType
- informationElementDescription
- informationElementName
- informationElementRangeBegin
- informationElementRangeEnd
- informationElementSemantics
- informationElementUnits
- privateEnterpriseNumber
- virtualStationInterfaceId
- virtualStationInterfaceName
- virtualStationUUID
- virtualStationName
- layer2SegmentId
- layer2OctetDeltaCount
- layer2OctetTotalCount
- ingressUnicastPacketTotalCount
- ingressMulticastPacketTotalCount
- ingressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
- egressUnicastPacketTotalCount
- egressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
- monitoringIntervalStartMilliSeconds
- monitoringIntervalEndMilliSeconds
- portRangeStart
- portRangeEnd
- portRangeStepSize
- portRangeNumPorts
- staMacAddress
- staIPv4Address
- wtpMacAddress
- ingressInterfaceType
- egressInterfaceType
- rtpSequenceNumber
- userName
- applicationCategoryName
- applicationSubCategoryName
- applicationGroupName
- originalFlowsPresent
- originalFlowsInitiated
- originalFlowsCompleted
- distinctCountOfSourceIPAddress
- distinctCountOfDestinationIPAddress
- distinctCountOfSourceIPv4Address
- distinctCountOfDestinationIPv4Address
- distinctCountOfSourceIPv6Address
- distinctCountOfDestinationIPv6Address
- valueDistributionMethod
- rfc3550JitterMilliseconds
- rfc3550JitterMicroseconds
- rfc3550JitterNanoseconds
- dot1qDEI
- dot1qCustomerDEI
- flowSelectorAlgorithm
- flowSelectedOctetDeltaCount
- flowSelectedPacketDeltaCount
- flowSelectedFlowDeltaCount
- selectorIDTotalFlowsObserved
- selectorIDTotalFlowsSelected
- samplingFlowInterval
- samplingFlowSpacing
- flowSamplingTimeInterval
- flowSamplingTimeSpacing
- hashFlowDomain
- transportOctetDeltaCount
- transportPacketDeltaCount
- originalExporterIPv4Address
- originalExporterIPv6Address
- originalObservationDomainId
- intermediateProcessId
- ignoredDataRecordTotalCount
- dataLinkFrameType
- sectionOffset
- sectionExportedOctets
- dot1qServiceInstanceTag
- dot1qServiceInstanceId
- dot1qServiceInstancePriority
- dot1qCustomerSourceMacAddress
- dot1qCustomerDestinationMacAddress
- postLayer2OctetDeltaCount
- postMCastLayer2OctetDeltaCount
- layer2OctetTotalCount
- postLayer2OctetTotalCount
- postMCastLayer2OctetTotalCount
- minimumLayer2TotalLength
- maximumLayer2TotalLength
- droppedLayer2OctetDeltaCount
- droppedLayer2OctetTotalCount
- ignoredLayer2OctetTotalCount
- notSentLayer2OctetTotalCount
- layer2OctetDeltaSumOfSquares
- layer2OctetTotalSumOfSquares
- layer2FrameDeltaCount
- layer2FrameTotalCount
- pseudoWireDestinationIPv4Address
- ignoredLayer2FrameTotalCount
- mobileIMSI
- mobileMSISDN
- httpStatusCode
- sourceTransportPortsLimit
- httpRequestMethod
- httpRequestHost
- httpRequestTarget
- httpMessageVersion
- natInstanceID
- internalAddressRealm
- externalAddressRealm
- natQuotaExceededEvent
- natThresholdEvent
- httpUserAgent
- httpContentType
- httpReasonPhrase
- maxSessionEntries
- maxBIBEntries
- maxEntriesPerUser
- maxSubscribers
- maxFragmentsPendingReassembly
- addressPoolHighThreshold
- addressPoolLowThreshold
- addressPortMappingHighThreshold
- addressPortMappingLowThreshold
- addressPortMappingPerUserHighThreshold
- globalAddressMappingHighThreshold
- vpnIdentifier
- bgpCommunity
- bgpExtendedCommunity
- bgpLargeCommunity
vIPtela, now Cisco (PEN: 41916)
- VPN_Identifier
- App_Identifier