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Apstra Flow supports the following standards-based IPFIX IEs (information elements):

Table 1: Standards-based IPFIX IEs (PEN: 0)
ID Name
1 octetDeltaCount
2 packetDeltaCount
3 deltaFlowCount
4 protocolIdentifier
5 ipClassOfService
6 tcpControlBits
7 sourceTransportPort
8 sourceIPv4Address
9 sourceIPv4PrefixLength
10 ingressInterface
11 destinationTransportPort
12 destinationIPv4Address
13 destinationIPv4PrefixLength
14 egressInterface
15 ipNextHopIPv4Address
16 bgpSourceAsNumber
17 bgpDestinationAsNumber
18 bgpNextHopIPv4Address
19 postMCastPacketDeltaCount
20 postMCastOctetDeltaCount
21 flowEndSysUpTime
22 flowStartSysUpTime
23 postOctetDeltaCount
24 postPacketDeltaCount
25 minimumIpTotalLength
26 maximumIpTotalLength
27 sourceIPv6Address
28 destinationIPv6Address
29 sourceIPv6PrefixLength
30 destinationIPv6PrefixLength
31 flowLabelIPv6
32 icmpTypeCodeIPv4
33 igmpType
34 samplingInterval
35 samplingAlgorithm
36 flowActiveTimeout
37 flowIdleTimeout
38 engineType
39 engineId
40 exportedOctetTotalCount
41 exportedMessageTotalCount
42 exportedFlowRecordTotalCount
44 sourceIPv4Prefix
45 destinationIPv4Prefix
46 mplsTopLabelType
47 mplsTopLabelIPv4Address
48 samplerId
49 samplerMode
50 samplerRandomInterval
51 classId
52 minimumTTL
53 maximumTTL
54 fragmentIdentification
55 postIpClassOfService
56 sourceMacAddress
57 postDestinationMacAddress
58 vlanId
59 postVlanId
60 ipVersion
61 flowDirection
62 ipNextHopIPv6Address
63 bgpNextHopIPv6Address
64 ipv6ExtensionHeaders
65 transportPacketLoss Cisco Legacy
66 transportUnreachability Cisco Legacy
67 transportLatency Cisco Legacy
68 dataPoints Cisco Legacy
69 variance Cisco Legacy
70 mplsTopLabelStackSection
71 mplsLabelStackSection2
72 mplsLabelStackSection3
73 mplsLabelStackSection4
74 mplsLabelStackSection5
75 mplsLabelStackSection6
76 mplsLabelStackSection7
77 mplsLabelStackSection8
78 mplsLabelStackSection9
79 mplsLabelStackSection10
80 destinationMacAddress
81 postSourceMacAddress
82 interfaceName
83 interfaceDescription
84 samplerName
85 octetTotalCount
86 packetTotalCount
87 flagsAndSamplerId
88 fragmentOffset
89 forwardingStatus
90 mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher
91 mplsTopLabelPrefixLength
92 srcTrafficIndex
93 dstTrafficIndex
94 applicationDescription
95 applicationId
96 applicationName
97 subApplicationTag Cisco Legacy
98 postIpDiffServCodePoint
99 multicastReplicationFactor
100 className
101 classificationEngineId
102 layer2packetSectionOffset
103 layer2packetSectionSize
104 layer2packetSectionData
105 applicationVersion Cisco Legacy
106 applicationVersionName Cisco Legacy
107 applicationVendor Cisco Legacy
109 subApplicationName Cisco Legacy
110 subApplicationDescription Cisco Legacy
111 templateParameterRangeEnd Cisco Legacy
128 bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber
129 bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber
130 exporterIPv4Address
131 exporterIPv6Address
132 droppedOctetDeltaCount
133 droppedPacketDeltaCount
134 droppedOctetTotalCount
135 droppedPacketTotalCount
136 flowEndReason
137 commonPropertiesId
138 observationPointId
139 icmpTypeCodeIPv6
140 mplsTopLabelIPv6Address
141 lineCardId
142 portId
143 meteringProcessId
144 exportingProcessId
145 templateId
146 wlanChannelId
147 wlanSSID
148 flowId
149 observationDomainId
150 flowStartSeconds
151 flowEndSeconds
152 flowStartMilliseconds
153 flowEndMilliseconds
154 flowStartMicroseconds
155 flowEndMicroseconds
156 flowStartNanoseconds
157 flowEndNanoseconds
158 flowStartDeltaMicroseconds
159 flowEndDeltaMicroseconds
160 systemInitTimeMilliseconds
161 flowDurationMilliseconds
162 flowDurationMicroseconds
163 observedFlowTotalCount
164 ignoredPacketTotalCount
165 ignoredOctetTotalCount
166 notSentFlowTotalCount
167 notSentPacketTotalCount
168 notSentOctetTotalCount
169 destinationIPv6Prefix
170 sourceIPv6Prefix
171 postOctetTotalCount
172 postPacketTotalCount
173 flowKeyIndicator
174 postMCastPacketTotalCount
175 postMCastOctetTotalCount
176 icmpTypeIPv4
177 icmpCodeIPv4
178 icmpTypeIPv6
179 icmpCodeIPv6
180 udpSourcePort
181 udpDestinationPort
182 tcpSourcePort
183 tcpDestinationPort
184 tcpSequenceNumber
185 tcpAcknowledgementNumber
186 tcpWindowSize
187 tcpUrgentPointer
188 tcpHeaderLength
189 ipHeaderLength
190 totalLengthIPv4
191 payloadLengthIPv6
192 ipTTL
193 nextHeaderIPv6
194 mplsPayloadLength
195 ipDiffServCodePoint
196 ipPrecedence
197 fragmentFlags
198 octetDeltaSumOfSquares
199 octetTotalSumOfSquares
200 mplsTopLabelTTL
201 mplsLabelStackLength
202 mplsLabelStackDepth
203 mplsTopLabelExp
204 ipPayloadLength
205 udpMessageLength
206 isMulticast
207 ipv4IHL
208 ipv4Options
209 tcpOptions
210 paddingOctets
211 collectorIPv4Address
212 collectorIPv6Address
213 exportInterface
214 exportProtocolVersion
215 exportTransportProtocol
216 collectorTransportPort
217 exporterTransportPort
218 tcpSynTotalCount
219 tcpFinTotalCount
220 tcpRstTotalCount
221 tcpPshTotalCount
222 tcpAckTotalCount
223 tcpUrgTotalCount
224 ipTotalLength
225 postNATSourceIPv4Address
226 postNATDestinationIPv4Address
227 postNAPTSourceTransportPort
228 postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
229 natOriginatingAddressRealm
230 natEvent
231 initiatorOctets
232 responderOctets
233 firewallEvent
234 ingressVRFID
235 egressVRFID
236 VRFname
237 postMplsTopLabelExp
238 tcpWindowScale
239 biflowDirection
240 ethernetHeaderLength
241 ethernetPayloadLength
242 ethernetTotalLength
243 dot1qVlanId
244 dot1qPriority
245 dot1qCustomerVlanId
246 dot1qCustomerPriority
247 metroEvcId
248 metroEvcType
249 pseudoWireId
250 pseudoWireType
251 pseudoWireControlWord
252 ingressPhysicalInterface
253 egressPhysicalInterface
254 postDot1qVlanId
255 postDot1qCustomerVlanId
256 ethernetType
257 postIpPrecedence
258 collectionTimeMilliseconds
259 exportSctpStreamId
260 maxExportSeconds
261 maxFlowEndSeconds
262 messageMD5Checksum
263 messageScope
264 minExportSeconds
265 minFlowStartSeconds
266 opaqueOctets
267 sessionScope
268 maxFlowEndMicroseconds
269 maxFlowEndMilliseconds
270 maxFlowEndNanoseconds
271 minFlowStartMicroseconds
272 minFlowStartMilliseconds
273 minFlowStartNanoseconds
274 collectorCertificate
275 exporterCertificate
276 dataRecordsReliability
277 observationPointType
278 newConnectionDeltaCount
279 connectionSumDurationSeconds
280 connectionTransactionId
281 postNATSourceIPv6Address
282 postNATDestinationIPv6Address
283 natPoolId
284 natPoolName
285 anonymizationFlags
286 anonymizationTechnique
287 informationElementIndex
288 p2pTechnology
289 tunnelTechnology
290 encryptedTechnology
294 bgpValidityState
295 IPSecSPI
296 greKey
297 natType
298 initiatorPackets
299 responderPackets
300 observationDomainName
301 selectionSequenceId
302 selectorId
303 informationElementId
304 selectorAlgorithm
305 samplingPacketInterval
306 samplingPacketSpace
307 samplingTimeInterval
308 samplingTimeSpace
309 samplingSize
310 samplingPopulation
311 samplingProbability
312 dataLinkFrameSize
313 ipHeaderPacketSection
314 ipPayloadPacketSection
315 dataLinkFrameSection
316 mplsLabelStackSection
317 mplsPayloadPacketSection
318 selectorIdTotalPktsObserved
319 selectorIdTotalPktsSelected
320 absoluteError
321 relativeError
322 observationTimeSeconds
323 observationTimeMilliseconds
324 observationTimeMicroseconds
325 observationTimeNanoseconds
326 digestHashValue
327 hashIPPayloadOffset
328 hashIPPayloadSize
329 hashOutputRangeMin
330 hashOutputRangeMax
331 hashSelectedRangeMin
332 hashSelectedRangeMax
333 hashDigestOutput
334 hashInitialiserValue
335 selectorName
336 upperCILimit
337 lowerCILimit
338 confidenceLevel
339 informationElementDataType
340 informationElementDescription
341 informationElementName
342 informationElementRangeBegin
343 informationElementRangeEnd
344 informationElementSemantics
345 informationElementUnits
346 privateEnterpriseNumber
347 virtualStationInterfaceId
348 virtualStationInterfaceName
349 virtualStationUUID
350 virtualStationName
351 layer2SegmentId
352 layer2OctetDeltaCount
353 layer2OctetTotalCount
354 ingressUnicastPacketTotalCount
355 ingressMulticastPacketTotalCount
356 ingressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
357 egressUnicastPacketTotalCount
358 egressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
359 monitoringIntervalStartMilliSeconds
360 monitoringIntervalEndMilliSeconds
361 portRangeStart
362 portRangeEnd
363 portRangeStepSize
364 portRangeNumPorts
365 staMacAddress
366 staIPv4Address
367 wtpMacAddress
368 ingressInterfaceType
369 egressInterfaceType
370 rtpSequenceNumber
371 userName
372 applicationCategoryName
373 applicationSubCategoryName
374 applicationGroupName
375 originalFlowsPresent
376 originalFlowsInitiated
377 originalFlowsCompleted
378 distinctCountOfSourceIPAddress
379 distinctCountOfDestinationIPAddress
380 distinctCountOfSourceIPv4Address
381 distinctCountOfDestinationIPv4Address
382 distinctCountOfSourceIPv6Address
383 distinctCountOfDestinationIPv6Address
384 valueDistributionMethod
385 rfc3550JitterMilliseconds
386 rfc3550JitterMicroseconds
387 rfc3550JitterNanoseconds
388 dot1qDEI
389 dot1qCustomerDEI
390 flowSelectorAlgorithm
391 flowSelectedOctetDeltaCount
392 flowSelectedPacketDeltaCount
393 flowSelectedFlowDeltaCount
394 selectorIDTotalFlowsObserved
395 selectorIDTotalFlowsSelected
396 samplingFlowInterval
397 samplingFlowSpacing
398 flowSamplingTimeInterval
399 flowSamplingTimeSpacing
400 hashFlowDomain
401 transportOctetDeltaCount
402 transportPacketDeltaCount
403 originalExporterIPv4Address
404 originalExporterIPv6Address
405 originalObservationDomainId
406 intermediateProcessId
407 ignoredDataRecordTotalCount
408 dataLinkFrameType
409 sectionOffset
410 sectionExportedOctets
411 dot1qServiceInstanceTag
412 dot1qServiceInstanceId
413 dot1qServiceInstancePriority
414 dot1qCustomerSourceMacAddress
415 dot1qCustomerDestinationMacAddress
416 layer2OctetDeltaCount
417 postLayer2OctetDeltaCount
418 postMCastLayer2OctetDeltaCount
419 layer2OctetTotalCount
420 postLayer2OctetTotalCount
421 postMCastLayer2OctetTotalCount
422 minimumLayer2TotalLength
423 maximumLayer2TotalLength
424 droppedLayer2OctetDeltaCount
425 droppedLayer2OctetTotalCount
426 ignoredLayer2OctetTotalCount
427 notSentLayer2OctetTotalCount
428 layer2OctetDeltaSumOfSquares
429 layer2OctetTotalSumOfSquares
430 layer2FrameDeltaCount
431 layer2FrameTotalCount
432 pseudoWireDestinationIPv4Address
433 ignoredLayer2FrameTotalCount
434 mibObjectValueInteger
435 mibObjectValueOctetString
436 mibObjectValueOID
437 mibObjectValueBits
438 mibObjectValueIPAddress
439 mibObjectValueCounter
440 mibObjectValueGauge
441 mibObjectValueTimeTicks
442 mibObjectValueUnsigned
445 mibObjectIdentifier
446 mibSubIdentifier
447 mibIndexIndicator
448 mibCaptureTimeSemantics
449 mibContextEngineID
450 mibContextName
451 mibObjectName
452 mibObjectDescription
453 mibObjectSyntax
454 mibModuleName
455 mobileIMSI
456 mobileMSISDN
457 httpStatusCode
458 sourceTransportPortsLimit
459 httpRequestMethod
460 httpRequestHost
461 httpRequestTarget
462 httpMessageVersion
463 natInstanceID
464 internalAddressRealm
465 externalAddressRealm
466 natQuotaExceededEvent
467 natThresholdEvent
468 httpUserAgent
469 httpContentType
470 httpReasonPhrase
471 maxSessionEntries
472 maxBIBEntries
473 maxEntriesPerUser
474 maxSubscribers
475 maxFragmentsPendingReassembly
476 addressPoolHighThreshold
477 addressPoolLowThreshold
478 addressPortMappingHighThreshold
479 addressPortMappingLowThreshold
480 addressPortMappingPerUserHighThreshold
481 globalAddressMappingHighThreshold
482 vpnIdentifier
483 bgpCommunity
486 bgpExtendedCommunity
489 bgpLargeCommunity

Cisco (PEN: 9)

  • cTag
  • scTrafficProcessorId
  • scSourceIpSample
  • scDestinationIpSample
  • scFlowContextId
  • scSubscriberId
  • scPackageId
  • scServiceId
  • scProtocolId
  • scSkipppedSessions
  • scInitiatingSide
  • scReportTime
  • scTransactionDurationMillisec
  • scTimeFrame
  • scSessionUpstreamVolume
  • scSessionDownstreamVolume
  • scProtocolSignature
  • scZoneId
  • scFlavorId
  • scFlowCloseMode
  • scAccessString
  • scInfoString
  • scClientPort
  • scServerPort
  • scSubscriberCounterId
  • scServiceUsageCounterId
  • scBreachState
  • scReason
  • scConfiguredDuration
  • scDuration
  • scEndTime
  • scUpstreamVolume
  • scDownstreamVolume
  • scSessions
  • scSeconds
  • scPackageCounterId
  • scGeneratorId
  • scServiceGlobalCounterId
  • scConcurrentSessions
  • scActiveSubscribers
  • scTotalActiveSubscribers
  • scLinkId
  • scAttackId
  • scAttackIp
  • scAttackOtherIp
  • scAttackPortNumber
  • scAttackType
  • scAttackSide
  • scAttackIpProtocol
  • scAttacks
  • scAttackMaliciousSessions
  • audio rtp packets lost
  • audio rtp packets expected
  • audio rtp fwd out-of-sequence sum
  • audio rtp seconds ok
  • audio rtp seconds concealed
  • audio rtp seconds concealed severe
  • audio rtp jitter ticks
  • audio g107 impairment
  • audio g107 lossRate
  • audio g107 codec baseline
  • audio g107 codec baseline bpl
  • audio g107 impairment one-way-delay
  • audio concealment ratio now
  • audio concealment ratio minimum
  • audio concealment ratio maximum
  • audio concealment time
  • audio speech time
  • audio packets ok
  • audio packets cs
  • audio packets scs
  • audio packets rtp
  • audio packets silence
  • audio duration receive
  • audio duration receive voice
  • audio duration early packet
  • audio duration clock adjust
  • audio duration playout increase
  • audio duration playout decrease
  • audio duration late discard
  • audio frame size
  • audio frames-per-packet
  • audio frame arriving times difference
  • audio frame arriving times difference vari
  • audio noise level current
  • audio noise level average
  • audio noise level minimum
  • audio noise level maximum
  • audio noise level configured
  • audio snr current
  • audio snr average
  • audio snr minimum
  • audio snr maximum
  • audio snr configured
  • vxlan sgt
  • vxlan flags
  • vxlan vtep input
  • vxlan vtep output
  • flow cts switch derived-sgt
  • waas dre input
  • waas dre output
  • waas lz input
  • waas lz output
  • waas original bytes
  • waas optimised bytes
  • waas application
  • waas class
  • waas connection mode
  • waas bytes input
  • waas bytes output
  • counter packets dropped permanent
  • application media bytes counter
  • application media bytes counter permanent
  • application media bytes rate
  • application media packets counter
  • application media packets counter permanen
  • application media packets rate
  • application media packets rate variation
  • application media event
  • monitor event
  • timestamp interval
  • transport packets expected counter
  • transport packets expected counter permane
  • transport round-trip-time
  • transport event packet-loss counter
  • transport event packet-loss counter perman
  • transport packets lost counter
  • transport packets lost counter permanent
  • transport packets lost rate
  • transport rtp ssrc
  • transport rtp jitter mean
  • transport rtp jitter minimum
  • transport rtp jitter maximum
  • misc unsupported
  • counter bytes rate per-flow
  • counter bytes rate per-flow min
  • counter bytes rate per-flow max
  • counter packets rate per-flow
  • counter packets rate per-flow min
  • counter packets rate per-flow max
  • application media bytes rate per-flow
  • application media bytes rate per-flow min
  • application media bytes rate per-flow max
  • application media packets rate variation m
  • application media packets rate variation m
  • transport rtp flow count
  • transport rtp payload-type
  • transport packets lost counter min
  • transport packets lost counter max
  • transport event packet-loss counter min
  • transport event packet-loss counter max
  • transport packets lost rate min
  • transport packets lost rate max
  • transport tcp flow count
  • transport round-trip-time sum
  • transport round-trip-time samples
  • transport round-trip-time min
  • transport round-trip-time max
  • metadata global-session-id
  • metadata multi-party-session-id
  • metadata clock-rate
  • server response time average
  • refused sessions
  • client network delay average
  • server network delay average
  • NETWORK_DELAY_AVG {network delay average
  • application delay average
  • session time minimum
  • session time maximum
  • session time average
  • transaction time average
  • closed sessions
  • retransmitted packets
  • transport bytes out-of-order
  • client throughput average
  • unresponsive sessions
  • transport packets out-of-order
  • IPv4 source observation node
  • IPv4 destination observation node
  • IPv6 source observation node
  • IPv6 destination observation node
  • pfr one-way-delay sum
  • pfr one-way-delay samples
  • pfr one-way-delay
  • packet arrival timestamp
  • transport tcp window-size minimum
  • transport tcp window-size maximum
  • transport tcp window-size average
  • transport tcp maximum-segment-size
  • transport tcp window-size sum
  • tcpWindowSizeSum
  • transport rtp jitter mean sum
  • application media packets rate variation
  • transport tcp window-size average sum
  • transport rtp jitter inter arrival sum
  • transport rtp jitter inter arrival samples
  • transport rtp jitter inter arrival mean
  • pfr site source id ipv4
  • pfr site destination id ipv4
  • transport bytes lost
  • transport bytes expected
  • transport bytes lost rate
  • network delay sum
  • network delay sample
  • pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
  • pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
  • pfr counter event error traffic-class miti
  • pfr site source prefix ipv4
  • pfr site destination prefix ipv4
  • pfr site source prefix ipv6
  • pfr site destination prefix ipv6
  • pfr site source prefix mask ipv4
  • pfr site destination prefix mask ipv4
  • pfr site source prefix mask ipv6
  • pfr site destination prefix mask ipv6
  • pfr service provider tag identifier
  • pfr label identifier
  • application voice number called
  • application voice number calling
  • application voice setup time
  • application voice call duration
  • application voice rx bad-packet
  • application voice rx out-of-sequence
  • application voice codec id
  • application voice play delay current
  • application voice play delay minimum
  • application voice play delay maximum
  • application voice sip call-id
  • application voice router global-call-id
  • application voice delay round-trip
  • application voice delay end-point
  • application voice r-factor 1
  • application voice r-factor 2
  • application voice mos conversation
  • application voice mos listening
  • application voice concealment-ratio averag
  • application voice jitter configured type
  • application voice jitter configured minimu
  • application voice jitter configured maximu
  • application voice jitter configured initia
  • application voice rx early-packet count
  • application voice rx late-packet count
  • application voice jitter buffer-overrun
  • application voice packet conceal-count
  • bandwidth used
  • bandwidth used percentage
  • application video resolution width last
  • application video resolution height last
  • application video frame rate
  • application video payload bitrate average
  • application video payload bitrate fluctuat
  • application video frame I counter frames
  • application video frame I counter packets
  • application video frame I counter bytes
  • application video frame STR counter frames
  • application video frame STR counter packet
  • application video frame STR counter bytes
  • application video frame LTR counter frames
  • application video frame LTR counter packet
  • application video frame LTR counter bytes
  • application video frame super-P counter fr
  • application video frame super-P counter pa
  • application video frame super-P counter by
  • application video frame NR counter frames
  • application video frame NR counter packets
  • application video frame NR counter bytes
  • application video frame I slice-quantizati
  • application video frame STR slice-quantiza
  • application video frame LTR slice-quantiza
  • application video frame super-P slice-quan
  • application video frame NR slice-quantizat
  • application video eMOS compression bitstre
  • application video eMOS compression network
  • application video frame I counter packets
  • application video frame STR counter packet
  • application video frame LTR counter packet
  • application video frame super-P counter pa
  • application video frame NR counter packets
  • application video frame percentage damaged
  • application video eMOS packet-loss bitstre
  • application video eMOS packet-loss network
  • application video scene-complexity
  • application video level-of-motion
  • transport rtp sequence-number
  • transport rtp sequence-number last
  • iOAM my node-id
  • iOAM my node name
  • start timestamp
  • end timestamp
  • IOAM packet counter
  • IOAM byte count
  • IOAM cs0 packet counter
  • IOAM cs0 byte count
  • IOAM cs1 packet counter
  • IOAM cs1 byte count
  • IOAM cs2 packet counter
  • IOAM cs2 byte count
  • IOAM cs3 packet counter
  • IOAM cs3 byte count
  • IOAM cs4 packet counter
  • IOAM cs4 byte count
  • IOAM cs5 packet counter
  • IOAM cs5 byte count
  • IOAM cs6 packet counter
  • IOAM cs6 byte count
  • IOAM cs7 packet counter
  • IOAM cs7 byte count
  • IOAM lost packet counter
  • IOAM duplicate packet counter
  • IOAM reordered packet counter
  • IOAM highest PPC sequence number
  • iOAM node-id
  • ipv6 protocol filed
  • iOAM E2E Header
  • iOAM Path Map
  • iOAM number of nodes
  • iOAM node1 id
  • iOAM node1 in if id
  • iOAM node1 eif id
  • iOAM node2 id
  • iOAM node2 in if id
  • iOAM node2 eif id
  • iOAM node3 id
  • iOAM node3 in if id
  • iOAM node3 eif id
  • iOAM node4 id
  • iOAM node4 in if id
  • iOAM node4 eif id
  • iOAM Application metadata
  • iOAM sfc-id
  • iOAM sfc validated count
  • iOAM sfc invalidated count
  • pfr br ipv4 address
  • pfr status
  • reason id
  • threshold
  • pfr priority
  • long-term round-trip-time
  • mos below
  • rsvp bw pool
  • flow left time
  • bw percentage
  • bw fee
  • transport source-port min
  • transport source-port max
  • transport destination-port min
  • transport destination-port max
  • capacity
  • ingress bw
  • max ingress bw
  • egress bw
  • max egress bw
  • ingress rollup bw
  • egress rollup bw
  • kth rollup bw
  • link group name
  • bgp community
  • bgp prepend
  • entrance downgrade
  • discard rollup count
  • services pfr class-tag-id
  • services pfr mc-id
  • sip header from uri host ip addr
  • sip header from uri userinfo user
  • sip header to uri host ip addr
  • sip header to uri userinfo user
  • sip sess duration
  • sip sess end_reason
  • sip sess_dialed
  • sip sess_connected
  • sip sess_failed
  • artClientNetworkTimeLongLivedMaximum
  • artClientNetworkTimeLongLivedMinimum
  • artServerNetworkTimeLongLivedMaximum
  • artServerNetworkTimeLongLivedMinimum
  • policy qos classification hierarchy
  • c3pl class cce-id
  • c3pl class name
  • c3pl class type
  • c3pl policy cce-id
  • c3pl policy name
  • c3pl policy type
  • interface input fex-node-id
  • interface output fex-node-id
  • interface power
  • monitor device-type
  • connection server counter bytes network
  • connection client counter bytes network
  • wireless afd drop packets
  • wireless afd accept packets
  • wireless afd drop bytes
  • wireless afd accept bytes
  • connection concurrent-connections
  • application transaction counter new
  • services waas segment
  • services waas passthrough-reason
  • connection delay network long-lived to-ser
  • connection delay network long-lived to-cli
  • connection delay network long-lived client
  • connection delay network client-to-server
  • connection delay network to-server num-sam
  • connection delay network to-client num-sam
  • artClientpackets
  • artServerpackets
  • connection client counter bytes retransmit
  • connection client counter packets retransm
  • connection server counter bytes retransmit
  • connection server counter packets retransm
  • connection transaction counter complete
  • connection transaction duration sum
  • connection transaction duration max
  • connection transaction duration min
  • art count new connections
  • art count responses
  • art count responses histogram bucket1
  • art count responses histogram bucket2
  • art count responses histogram bucket3
  • art count responses histogram bucket4
  • art count responses histogram bucket5
  • art count responses histogram bucket6
  • art count responses histogram bucket7
  • connection delay response to-server histog
  • connection delay response to-server sum
  • connection delay response to-server max
  • connection delay response to-server min
  • connection delay application sum
  • connection delay application max
  • connection delay application min
  • connection delay response client-to-server
  • connection delay response client-to-server
  • connection delay response client-to-server
  • connection delay network client-to-server
  • connection delay network client-to-server
  • connection delay network client-to-server
  • onnection delay network to-client sum
  • connection delay network to-client max
  • connection delay network to-client min
  • connection delay network to-server sum
  • connection delay network to-server max
  • connection delay network to-server min
  • mos worst 100
  • mos quality
  • mos total count
  • application http uri statistics
  • policy qos queue index
  • policy qos queue drops
  • datalink event
  • datalink event extended
  • l4r server ipv4 address
  • l4r server transport port
  • l4r server ipv6 address
  • l4r event
  • l4r event timestamp
  • pbhk mapped ipv4 address
  • pbhk mapped transport port
  • pbhk event
  • pbhk event timestamp
  • ETAByteDistribution
  • application family name
  • application set name
  • application category name
  • application sub category name
  • application group name
  • AVCSubApplicationValue
  • connection client ipv4 address
  • connection server ipv4 address
  • connection client ipv6 address
  • connection server ipv6 address
  • connection client transport port
  • connection server transport port
  • connection id
  • application traffic-class
  • application business-relevance
  • nvzFlowUDID
  • nvzFlowLoggedInUser
  • nvzFlowOSName
  • nvzFlowOSVersion
  • nvzFlowSystemManufacturer
  • nvzFlowSystemType
  • nvzFlowProcessAccount
  • nvzFlowParentProcessAccount
  • nvzFlowProcessName
  • nvzFlowProcessHash
  • nvzFlowParentProcessName
  • nvzFlowParentProcessHash
  • nvzFlowDNSSuffix
  • nvzFlowDestinationHostname
  • nvzFlowL4ByteCountIn
  • nvzFlowL4ByteCountOut
  • nvzFlowOSEdition
  • nvzFlowModuleNameList
  • nvzFlowModuleHashList
  • nvzFlowCoordinatesList
  • nvzFlowInterfaceInfoUID
  • nvzFlowInterfaceIndex
  • nvzFlowInterfaceType
  • nvzFlowInterfaceName
  • nvzFlowInterfaceDetailsList
  • nvzFlowInterfaceMac
  • nvzFlowUserAccountType
  • nvzFlowProcessAccountType
  • nvzFlowParentProcessAccountType
  • overlay session id input
  • overlay session id output
  • routing vrf service
  • tloc table overlay session id
  • tloc local system ip address
  • tloc local color
  • tloc remote system ip address
  • tloc remote color
  • tloc tunnel protocol
  • connection id long
  • drop cause id
  • counter bytes sdwan dropped long
  • sdwan sla-not-met
  • sdwan preferred-color-not-met
  • sdwan qos-queue-id
  • drop cause name
  • counter packets appqoe fec-d-pkts
  • counter packets appqoe fec-r-pkts
  • counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-d-pkts-orig
  • counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-d-pkts-dup
  • counter packets appqoe pkt-dup-r-pkts
  • counter packets sdwan pkt-cxp-d-pkts
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-read
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-written
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-en-read
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-en-written
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-de-read
  • counter bytes appqoe ssl-de-written
  • appqoe ssl service type
  • appqoe ssl traffic type
  • appqoe ssl policy action
  • ETAInitialDataPacketOld
  • ETASequenceofPktLengthsandTimes
  • wlan_id
  • timestampAbsoluteMonitoring-intervalStart
  • timestampAbsoluteMonitoring-intervalEnd

Juniper Networks (PEN: 2636)

  • ifa_headers
  • ifa_metadata
  • ifa_sampled_packet
  • Packet Loss Priority
  • Forwarding Class Name

VMware (PEN: 6876)

  • tenantProtocol
  • tenantSourceIPv4
  • tenantDestIPv4
  • tenantSourceIPv6
  • tenantDestIPv6
  • tenantSourcePort
  • tenantDestPort
  • egressInterfaceAttr
  • vxlanExportRole
  • ingressInterfaceAttr
  • tunnelType
  • tunnelKey
  • tunnelSourceIPv4Address
  • tunnelDestinationIPv4Address
  • tunnelProtocolIdentifier
  • tunnelSourceTransportPort
  • tunnelDestinationTransportPort
  • virtualObsID
  • ruleId
  • vmUuid
  • vnicIndex
  • sessionFlags
  • flowDirection
  • algControlFlowId
  • algType
  • algFlowType
  • averageLatency
  • retransmissionCount
  • vifUuid
  • vifId

LANcope, now Cisco (PEN: 8712)

  • FlowSensorInitiator
  • FlowSensorTCPSYNACKTotalCount
  • FlowSensorTCPSRSTotalCount
  • FlowSensorRoundTripTime
  • FlowSensorServerResponseTime
  • FlowSensorRetransmits
  • FlowSensorTCPBadTotalCount
  • FlowSensorTCPFragTotalCount
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailIn
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailOut
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailInMessages
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailOutMessages
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailInTrys
  • FlowSensorSourceEmailOutTrys
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailIn
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailOut
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailInMessages
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailOutMessages
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailInTrys
  • FlowSensorDestinationEmailOutTrys
  • FlowSensorTraces
  • FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPProtocol
  • FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPType
  • FlowSensorEmbeddedICMPCode
  • FlowSensorApplicationIdentifier
  • FlowSensorBadFlagXmas
  • FlowSensorBadFlagSYNFIN
  • FlowSensorBadFlagBadRST
  • FlowSensorBadFlagNoACK
  • FlowSensorBadFlagURG
  • FlowSensorBadFlagNoFlag
  • FlowSensorShortFragAttack
  • FlowSensorFragPacketTooShort
  • FlowSensorFragPacketTooLong
  • FlowSensorFragPacketDifferentSizes
  • FlowSensorApplicationDetails
  • FlowSensorTrustsecSourceIdentifier
  • EndpointFlowProcessAccount
  • EndpointFlowProcessName
  • EndpointFlowProcessHash
  • EndpointFlowParentProcessAccount
  • EndpointFlowParentProcessName
  • EndpointFlowParentProcessHash

IPFIX Reverse Information Element Private Enterprise (PEN: 29305)

  • octetDeltaCount
  • packetDeltaCount
  • deltaFlowCount
  • protocolIdentifier
  • ipClassOfService
  • tcpControlBits
  • sourceTransportPort
  • sourceIPv4Address
  • sourceIPv4PrefixLength
  • ingressInterface
  • destinationTransportPort
  • destinationIPv4Address
  • destinationIPv4PrefixLength
  • egressInterface
  • ipNextHopIPv4Address
  • bgpSourceAsNumber
  • bgpDestinationAsNumber
  • bgpNextHopIPv4Address
  • postMCastPacketDeltaCount
  • postMCastOctetDeltaCount
  • flowEndSysUpTime
  • flowStartSysUpTime
  • postOctetDeltaCount
  • postPacketDeltaCount
  • minimumIpTotalLength
  • maximumIpTotalLength
  • sourceIPv6Address
  • destinationIPv6Address
  • sourceIPv6PrefixLength
  • destinationIPv6PrefixLength
  • flowLabelIPv6
  • icmpTypeCodeIPv4
  • igmpType
  • samplingInterval
  • samplingAlgorithm
  • flowActiveTimeout
  • flowIdleTimeout
  • engineType
  • engineId
  • ipv4RouterSc
  • sourceIPv4Prefix
  • destinationIPv4Prefix
  • mplsTopLabelType
  • mplsTopLabelIPv4Address
  • samplerId
  • samplerMode
  • samplerRandomInterval
  • classId
  • minimumTTL
  • maximumTTL
  • fragmentIdentification
  • postIpClassOfService
  • sourceMacAddress
  • postDestinationMacAddress
  • vlanId
  • postVlanId
  • ipVersion
  • flowDirection
  • ipNextHopIPv6Address
  • bgpNextHopIPv6Address
  • ipv6ExtensionHeaders
  • mplsTopLabelStackSection
  • mplsLabelStackSection2
  • mplsLabelStackSection3
  • mplsLabelStackSection4
  • mplsLabelStackSection5
  • mplsLabelStackSection6
  • mplsLabelStackSection7
  • mplsLabelStackSection8
  • mplsLabelStackSection9
  • mplsLabelStackSection10
  • destinationMacAddress
  • postSourceMacAddress
  • interfaceName
  • interfaceDescription
  • samplerName
  • octetTotalCount
  • packetTotalCount
  • flagsAndSamplerId
  • fragmentOffset
  • forwardingStatus
  • mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher
  • mplsTopLabelPrefixLength
  • srcTrafficIndex
  • dstTrafficIndex
  • applicationDescription
  • applicationId
  • applicationName
  • postIpDiffServCodePoint
  • multicastReplicationFactor
  • className
  • classificationEngineId
  • layer2packetSectionOffset
  • layer2packetSectionSize
  • layer2packetSectionData
  • bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber
  • bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber
  • droppedOctetDeltaCount
  • droppedPacketDeltaCount
  • droppedOctetTotalCount
  • droppedPacketTotalCount
  • flowEndReason
  • observationPointId
  • icmpTypeCodeIPv6
  • mplsTopLabelIPv6Address
  • lineCardId
  • portId
  • meteringProcessId
  • exportingProcessId
  • wlanChannelId
  • wlanSSID
  • flowStartSeconds
  • flowEndSeconds
  • flowStartMilliseconds
  • flowEndMilliseconds
  • flowStartMicroseconds
  • flowEndMicroseconds
  • flowStartNanoseconds
  • flowEndNanoseconds
  • flowStartDeltaMicroseconds
  • flowEndDeltaMicroseconds
  • systemInitTimeMilliseconds
  • flowDurationMilliseconds
  • flowDurationMicroseconds
  • destinationIPv6Prefix
  • sourceIPv6Prefix
  • postOctetTotalCount
  • postPacketTotalCount
  • postMCastPacketTotalCount
  • postMCastOctetTotalCount
  • icmpTypeIPv4
  • icmpCodeIPv4
  • icmpTypeIPv6
  • icmpCodeIPv6
  • udpSourcePort
  • udpDestinationPort
  • tcpSourcePort
  • tcpDestinationPort
  • tcpSequenceNumber
  • tcpAcknowledgementNumber
  • tcpWindowSize
  • tcpUrgentPointer
  • tcpHeaderLength
  • ipHeaderLength
  • totalLengthIPv4
  • payloadLengthIPv6
  • ipTTL
  • nextHeaderIPv6
  • mplsPayloadLength
  • ipDiffServCodePoint
  • ipPrecedence
  • fragmentFlags
  • octetDeltaSumOfSquares
  • octetTotalSumOfSquares
  • mplsTopLabelTTL
  • mplsLabelStackLength
  • mplsLabelStackDepth
  • mplsTopLabelExp
  • ipPayloadLength
  • udpMessageLength
  • isMulticast
  • ipv4IHL
  • ipv4Options
  • tcpOptions
  • tcpSynTotalCount
  • tcpFinTotalCount
  • tcpRstTotalCount
  • tcpPshTotalCount
  • tcpAckTotalCount
  • tcpUrgTotalCount
  • ipTotalLength
  • postNATSourceIPv4Address
  • postNATDestinationIPv4Address
  • postNAPTSourceTransportPort
  • postNAPTDestinationTransportPort
  • natOriginatingAddressRealm
  • natEvent
  • initiatorOctets
  • responderOctets
  • firewallEvent
  • ingressVRFID
  • egressVRFID
  • VRFname
  • postMplsTopLabelExp
  • tcpWindowScale
  • ethernetHeaderLength
  • ethernetPayloadLength
  • ethernetTotalLength
  • dot1qVlanId
  • dot1qPriority
  • dot1qCustomerVlanId
  • dot1qCustomerPriority
  • metroEvcId
  • metroEvcType
  • pseudoWireId
  • pseudoWireType
  • pseudoWireControlWord
  • ingressPhysicalInterface
  • egressPhysicalInterface
  • postDot1qVlanId
  • postDot1qCustomerVlanId
  • ethernetType
  • postIpPrecedence
  • collectionTimeMilliseconds
  • exportSctpStreamId
  • maxExportSeconds
  • maxFlowEndSeconds
  • messageMD5Checksum
  • messageScope
  • minExportSeconds
  • minFlowStartSeconds
  • opaqueOctets
  • sessionScope
  • maxFlowEndMicroseconds
  • maxFlowEndMilliseconds
  • maxFlowEndNanoseconds
  • minFlowStartMicroseconds
  • minFlowStartMilliseconds
  • minFlowStartNanoseconds
  • collectorCertificate
  • exporterCertificate
  • dataRecordsReliability
  • observationPointType
  • newConnectionDeltaCount
  • connectionSumDurationSeconds
  • connectionTransactionId
  • postNATSourceIPv6Address
  • postNATDestinationIPv6Address
  • natPoolId
  • natPoolName
  • anonymizationFlags
  • anonymizationTechnique
  • informationElementIndex
  • p2pTechnology
  • tunnelTechnology
  • encryptedTechnology
  • basicList
  • subTemplateList
  • subTemplateMultiList
  • bgpValidityState
  • IPSecSPI
  • greKey
  • natType
  • initiatorPackets
  • responderPackets
  • observationDomainName
  • selectionSequenceId
  • selectorId
  • informationElementId
  • selectorAlgorithm
  • samplingPacketInterval
  • samplingPacketSpace
  • samplingTimeInterval
  • samplingTimeSpace
  • samplingSize
  • samplingPopulation
  • samplingProbability
  • dataLinkFrameSize
  • ipHeaderPacketSection
  • ipPayloadPacketSection
  • dataLinkFrameSection
  • mplsLabelStackSection
  • mplsPayloadPacketSection
  • selectorIdTotalPktsObserved
  • selectorIdTotalPktsSelected
  • absoluteError
  • relativeError
  • observationTimeSeconds
  • observationTimeMilliseconds
  • observationTimeMicroseconds
  • observationTimeNanoseconds
  • digestHashValue
  • hashIPPayloadOffset
  • hashIPPayloadSize
  • hashOutputRangeMin
  • hashOutputRangeMax
  • hashSelectedRangeMin
  • hashSelectedRangeMax
  • hashDigestOutput
  • hashInitialiserValue
  • selectorName
  • upperCILimit
  • lowerCILimit
  • confidenceLevel
  • informationElementDataType
  • informationElementDescription
  • informationElementName
  • informationElementRangeBegin
  • informationElementRangeEnd
  • informationElementSemantics
  • informationElementUnits
  • privateEnterpriseNumber
  • virtualStationInterfaceId
  • virtualStationInterfaceName
  • virtualStationUUID
  • virtualStationName
  • layer2SegmentId
  • layer2OctetDeltaCount
  • layer2OctetTotalCount
  • ingressUnicastPacketTotalCount
  • ingressMulticastPacketTotalCount
  • ingressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
  • egressUnicastPacketTotalCount
  • egressBroadcastPacketTotalCount
  • monitoringIntervalStartMilliSeconds
  • monitoringIntervalEndMilliSeconds
  • portRangeStart
  • portRangeEnd
  • portRangeStepSize
  • portRangeNumPorts
  • staMacAddress
  • staIPv4Address
  • wtpMacAddress
  • ingressInterfaceType
  • egressInterfaceType
  • rtpSequenceNumber
  • userName
  • applicationCategoryName
  • applicationSubCategoryName
  • applicationGroupName
  • originalFlowsPresent
  • originalFlowsInitiated
  • originalFlowsCompleted
  • distinctCountOfSourceIPAddress
  • distinctCountOfDestinationIPAddress
  • distinctCountOfSourceIPv4Address
  • distinctCountOfDestinationIPv4Address
  • distinctCountOfSourceIPv6Address
  • distinctCountOfDestinationIPv6Address
  • valueDistributionMethod
  • rfc3550JitterMilliseconds
  • rfc3550JitterMicroseconds
  • rfc3550JitterNanoseconds
  • dot1qDEI
  • dot1qCustomerDEI
  • flowSelectorAlgorithm
  • flowSelectedOctetDeltaCount
  • flowSelectedPacketDeltaCount
  • flowSelectedFlowDeltaCount
  • selectorIDTotalFlowsObserved
  • selectorIDTotalFlowsSelected
  • samplingFlowInterval
  • samplingFlowSpacing
  • flowSamplingTimeInterval
  • flowSamplingTimeSpacing
  • hashFlowDomain
  • transportOctetDeltaCount
  • transportPacketDeltaCount
  • originalExporterIPv4Address
  • originalExporterIPv6Address
  • originalObservationDomainId
  • intermediateProcessId
  • ignoredDataRecordTotalCount
  • dataLinkFrameType
  • sectionOffset
  • sectionExportedOctets
  • dot1qServiceInstanceTag
  • dot1qServiceInstanceId
  • dot1qServiceInstancePriority
  • dot1qCustomerSourceMacAddress
  • dot1qCustomerDestinationMacAddress
  • postLayer2OctetDeltaCount
  • postMCastLayer2OctetDeltaCount
  • layer2OctetTotalCount
  • postLayer2OctetTotalCount
  • postMCastLayer2OctetTotalCount
  • minimumLayer2TotalLength
  • maximumLayer2TotalLength
  • droppedLayer2OctetDeltaCount
  • droppedLayer2OctetTotalCount
  • ignoredLayer2OctetTotalCount
  • notSentLayer2OctetTotalCount
  • layer2OctetDeltaSumOfSquares
  • layer2OctetTotalSumOfSquares
  • layer2FrameDeltaCount
  • layer2FrameTotalCount
  • pseudoWireDestinationIPv4Address
  • ignoredLayer2FrameTotalCount
  • mobileIMSI
  • mobileMSISDN
  • httpStatusCode
  • sourceTransportPortsLimit
  • httpRequestMethod
  • httpRequestHost
  • httpRequestTarget
  • httpMessageVersion
  • natInstanceID
  • internalAddressRealm
  • externalAddressRealm
  • natQuotaExceededEvent
  • natThresholdEvent
  • httpUserAgent
  • httpContentType
  • httpReasonPhrase
  • maxSessionEntries
  • maxBIBEntries
  • maxEntriesPerUser
  • maxSubscribers
  • maxFragmentsPendingReassembly
  • addressPoolHighThreshold
  • addressPoolLowThreshold
  • addressPortMappingHighThreshold
  • addressPortMappingLowThreshold
  • addressPortMappingPerUserHighThreshold
  • globalAddressMappingHighThreshold
  • vpnIdentifier
  • bgpCommunity
  • bgpExtendedCommunity
  • bgpLargeCommunity

vIPtela, now Cisco (PEN: 41916)

  • VPN_Identifier
  • App_Identifier