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Probe: MLAG Imbalance

The MLAG Imbalance probe calculates MLAG imbalance. It calculates standard deviation across links for all MLAGs in the network. If any are over the specified threshold in the last specified time period, an anomaly is raised. It calculates the percentage of MLAGs in each rack in this state. It calculates standard deviation across port-channels for all port-channels in all MLAGs in the network. If any are over the specified threshold in the last specified time period, an anomaly is raised. It also calculates the percentage of MLAGs in each rack in this state. Finally, it calculates standard deviation of port-channels across their containing MLAGs. If the standard deviation for any of these MLAGs is over the specified threshold, an anomaly is raised. Finally, we calculate the percentage of port-channels in each rack in this state.

Source Processor
mlag interface traffic (Interface Counters)

Purpose: wires in interface traffic samples (measured in bytes per second) all leaf interfaces that are part of an MLAG. Unit is bytes per second.

Output stage: mlag_int_traffic

Set of traffic samples (for each mlag interface on each leaf). Each set member has the following keys to identify it: mlag_id, server (label of the server node), leaf (label of the leaf node), rack (label of the rack), system_id (leaf serial number), interface (name of the interface).

Additional Processor(s)
mlag interface traffic average (Periodic Average)

Purpose: Calculate average traffic during period specified by average_period facade parameter. Unit is bytes per second.

Input Stage: mlag_int_traffic

Output Stage: mlag_int_traffic_avg

Set of traffic average values (for each spine-facing interface on each leaf). Each set member has the following keys to identify it: mlag_id, server (label of the server node), leaf (label of the leaf node), rack (label of the rack), system_id (leaf serial number), interface (name of the interface). Unit is bytes per second.

mlag interface traffic imbalance (Standard Deviation)

Purpose: Calculate standard deviation between traffic averages on all interfaces belonging to a given MLAG. Unit is bytes per second.

Input Stage: mlag_int_traffic_avg

Output Stage: mlag_int_traffic_imbalance

Set of numbers, one for each mlag_id, each indicating standard deviation of the average traffic on each interface that is part of this MLAG. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id. Unit is bytes per second.

port-channel interface std-dev (Standard Deviation)

Purpose: Calculate standard deviation between traffic averages on all interfaces belonging to a port channel. Unit is bytes per second.

Input Stage: mlag_int_traffic_avg

Output Stage: port_channel_int_std_dev

Set of numbers, one for each port channel identified by mlag_id, leaf pair. Each number each indicates standard deviation of the average traffic on each interface that is part of this port channel. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id, leaf. Unit is bytes per second.

port-channel total traffic (Sum)

Purpose: Calculate total traffic per port channel. Unit is byte per second.

Input Stage: mlag_int_traffic_avg

Output Stage: mlag_port_channel_total

Set of numbers, each indicating total traffic for each port channel. Each set member has the following key to identify it: rack, mlag_id, leaf. Unit is byte per second.

mlag port-channel traffic std-dev (Standard Deviation)

Purpose: Calculate standard deviation between traffic averages on both port channels belonging to an MLAG. Unit is bytes per second.

Input Stage: mlag_port_channel_total

Output Stage: mlag_port_channel_imbalance

Set of numbers, one for each MLAG identified by mlag_id, rack pair. Each number indicates standard deviation of the average traffic on each port channel that is part of this MLAG. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id. Unit is bytes per second.

std-dev percentage mlag (Ratio)

Input Stage: mlag_int_traffic_imbalance

Output Stage: std_dev_percentage_mlag

std-dev percentage port-channel (Ratio)

Input Stage: port_channel_int_std_dev

Output Stage: std_dev_percentage_pc

live mlag imbalance (Range)

Purpose: Evaluate if the MLAG imbalance as measured by standard deviation for the average traffic on each member interface is within acceptable range. In this case acceptable range is between 0 and std_max facade parameter (in bytes per second unit).

Input Stage: std_dev_percentage_mlag

Output Stage: live_mlag_imbalance

Set of true/false values, each indicating if MLAG imbalance for the average traffic on each member interface is within acceptable range for each mlag. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id.

live port-channel imbalance (Range)

Purpose: Evaluate if the port channel imbalance as measured by standard deviation for the average traffic on each member interface is within acceptable range. In this case acceptable range is between 0 and std_max facade parameter (in bytes per second unit).

Input Stage: std_dev_percentage_pc

Output Stage: live_port_channel_imbalance

Set of true/false values, each indicating if port channel imbalance for the average traffic on each member interface is within acceptable range for each mlag. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id, leaf.

std-dev percentage mlag port-channel (Ratio)

Input Stage: mlag_port_channel_imbalance

Output Stage: std_dev_percentage_mlag_pc

live mlag port-channel imbalance (Range)

Purpose: Evaluate if the mlag imbalance as measured by standard deviation for the average traffic on each member port channel is within acceptable range. In this case acceptable range is between 0 and std_max facade parameter (in bytes per second unit).

Input Stage: std_dev_percentage_mlag_pc

Output Stage: mlag_port_channel_imbalance_out_of_range

Set of true/false values, each indicating if MLAG imbalance between the average traffic on each member port channel is within acceptable range for each mlag. Each set member has the following keys to identify it: rack, mlag_id.

mlag imbalance per link count (Match Count)

Input Stage: live_mlag_imbalance

Output Stage: mlag_imbalance_link_count

port-channel imbalance per rack (Match Percentage)

Purpose: Calculate percentage of port channels on a given rack that have imbalance anomaly. Input Stage: live_port_channel_imbalance

Output Stage: port_channel_imbalance_per_rack

Set of numbers, each indicating the percentage of port channels with imbalance on each rack. Each set member has the following key to identify it: rack, mlag_id, leaf.

mlag port-channel imbalance per rack (Match Percentage)

Purpose: Calculate percentage of MLAGs on a given rack that have port channel imbalance anomaly.

Input Stage: mlag_port_channel_imbalance_out_of_range

Output Stage: mlag_port_channel_imbalance_anomaly_per_rack

Set of numbers, each indicating the percentage of port channels with imbalance on each rack. Each set member has the following key to identify it: rack, mlag_id.

For more information about this probe, from the blueprint, navigate to Analytics > Probes, click Create Probe, then select Instantiate Predefined Probe from the drop-down list. Select the probe from the Predefined Probe drop-down list to see details specific to the probe.