Cisco Telemetry Commands
This section assists network administrators in understanding why telemetry alarms exist, and how they are generated. This is a partial list of interface commands.
Cisco telemetry is derived from the NX-API with 'show' commands and embedded event manager applets that provide context data to the device agent while it is running. Most commands are run as their CLI version wrapped into JSON output.
Service | Command |
Interface counters | show interface counters | json |
Interface error counters | show interface counters errors | json |
Interface status | show interface status | json |
LLDP neighbors | show lldp neighbors detail | json |
BGP Sessions | show bgp session | json |
Hostname | show hostname | json and show hosts |
json |
ARP | show ip arp vrf default | json |
MAC Table | show mac address-table | json |
Routing table | show ip route | json |
Port-channel | show port-channel summary | json |
MLAG | show vpc | json |