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Form LAG

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Physical > Topology and select the node to add as a member of a LAG.
  2. Select the interface check box to see the operations available for that interface (and that you have permissions for).
  3. Click Form LAG and select the LAG mode:
    • LACP (Active) - actively advertises LACP BPDU even when neighbors do not.
    • LACP (Passive) - doesn't generate LACP BPDU until it sees one from a neighbor.
    • Static LAG (no LACP) - Static LAGs don't participate in LACP and will conditionally operate in forwarding mode.
  4. Click Update to stage your changes and return to the Topology view.
    When you form a LAG, it inherits any connectivity templates assigned on the individual links. The LAG is created, but LACP configuration won't be pushed to the device until connectivity templates are applied. When you form a LAG, it inherits any connectivity templates assigned on the individual links.

When you're ready to activate your changes, commit them from the Uncommitted tab.