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Reset Apstra GUI Admin Password

If you reset (a lost) Apstra GUI admin password to the default, we highly recommend that you immediately change it to a secure one. User admin has full root access. Juniper is not responsible for security-related incidents because of not changing default passwords.

  1. SSH into the Apstra server as user admin (ssh admin@<apstra-server-ip> where <apstra-server-ip> is the IP address of the Apstra server.)
  2. Run the command aos_reset_admin_password as shown in the example below:
  3. Log in to the Apstra GUI (default password: admin), then navigate to Platform > User Management > Users.
  4. Click username admin, then click the Change Password button (top-right)
  5. Enter a secure password that meets complexity requirements, then re-enter the new password.
  6. Click Change Password to change the password.