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Create User Role

User roles specify permissions for working in the different areas of the Apstra environment. They can be blueprint-specific or more general in nature. To customize a user's access and edit capability you'll assign roles to user profiles. Start by creating roles based on the permissions you want to control.
  1. From the left navigation menu of the Apstra GUI, navigate to Platform > User Management > Roles and click Create Role.
  2. Enter a name and description.
  3. Note:

    Roles are either global or per-blueprint, they can't be both. Be careful. If you select permissions in one type, then click the radio button for the other type, you'll lose the permissions you already set.

    Global Permissions pertain to Apstra details other than blueprint details. They include general blueprint read, write, commit and delete permissions as well as permissions for platform, external systems, resources, design, devices, and more. To add global permissions, select Global Permissions and select one or more permissions.
    For example, if another user has staged changes in a blueprint, that blueprint is locked for additional changes until that (unidentified) user commits or reverts the changes (as of Apstra version 4.2.0). You can create and assign a role that allows a user to see who made the changes and/or allow them to override those changes, as shown below. (The admin role already has these permissions by default.)
  4. To grant permissions pertaining to blueprint details instead, select Per-Blueprint Permissions, select either specific blueprints or All bluprints, then select one or more permissions that are datacenter-specific, freeform-specific or common to all blueprints.
  5. Click Create to create the role and return to the Roles view.