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Apstra ZTP - SONiC

Enterprise SONiC and ZTP Overview


Apstra ZTP 4.2 used with Apstra version 4.2 has support for SONiC Enterprise Distribution devices. SONiC devices with earlier versions of Apstra ZTP, or the software, are not supported.

Apstra ZTP manages the bootstrap and life-cycle of Enterprise SONiC devices with onbox agents installed. It uses a custom script to create onbox agents, create local users and set other system configuration.

As part of the ZTP process a new OS image is copied to the switch. Before installing Apstra ZTP ensure that the switch has sufficient disk space for the OS image.


If you're using ONIE to install Enterprise SONiC on a device, you must copy the image to the /containers_data/tftp directory and rename it to onie-installer or another ONIE download name (onie-installer-x86_64-dell_z9100_c2538-r0 for example). When rebooting in ONIE, the device searches for this file on the HTTP then TFTP server. If it doesn't find the file, then ZTP fails. Once ONIE SONiC installation successfully completes, the SONiC device starts ZTP automatically.

Example: Enterprise SONiC -ztp.json

SONiC Onbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 GUI

SONiC Onbox Agent / Apstra ZTP 4.2 ztp.json File


If you use another device-user besides admin (aosadmin for example) Apstra ZTP creates this new user, but it doesn't change the password for the default SONiC admin user (password set to YourPaSsWoRd by default).

Enterprise SONiC Custom Config File

When configuring custom-config for Enterprise SONiC devices, refer to the example, a bash executable file executed during the ZTP process. It can set system configuration (such as Radius authentication) prior to device system agent installation.

Restart Enterprise SONiC ZTP

To restart the SONiC ZTP process, use the sudo ztp enable and sudo ztp run commands.