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Download and Install Updates in ATP Appliance Private Mode

Use the following information to download and apply software updates when using ATP Appliance in Private Mode.

ATP Appliance Private Mode Software Package Bundle

All of the software listed below is bundled together into a single package file to upload to the ATP Appliance Core.

  • ATP Appliance OS software—Includes the ATP Appliance software packages.

  • Security patches—Includes the security patches of the base open source software provided by Ubuntu community.

  • Third-party software—Includes the third-party open source software packages.

  • SSH Honeypot image

  • Sky ATP API engine image

Manually Upload Software Updates Using the UI

The manual installation of software updates is only available in Private Mode. When not in Private Mode, ATP Appliance updates occur automatically.

In Private Mode, you can use the ATP Appliance UI or the CLI to install an update.

Update using the ATP Appliance UI:

  1. Download the update files from the Juniper download portal,
  2. In the UI, navigate to Config > System Profiles >ATP Private Mode Update and select Upload File to upload a file bundle or image file. A progress bar is shown when the upload begins. Note that if you close the file upload dialog box or close the browser tab, the file upload activity will be terminated.

    When the file upload is complete, the uploaded file is listed in the UI with information such as type, version and date of the upload (That is, if the version of the uploaded file is newer than the currently installed version).

    Figure 1: ATP Appliance Private Mode Navigate to Software UpdateATP Appliance Private Mode Navigate to Software Update
    Figure 2: ATP Appliance Private Mode Upload Software UpdateATP Appliance Private Mode Upload Software Update
  3. Once the upload is complete, you can manually begin the update by clicking the Upgrade link next to the uploaded file in the Config > System Profiles >ATP Private Mode Update window.

    You can also delete the uploaded file from the same window.


    It is recommended that you always create a fresh configuration backup after updating to a new software release.

Manually Upload Software Updates Using the CLI

Another method for updating ATP Appliance in Private Mode is to copy the update file to the ATP Appliance device from a staging server using the ATP Appliance CLI.

  1. Run the following command to allow the ATP Appliance device access to the staging server:

    # set firewall whitelist add IP_ADDRESS_OF_STAGING_SERVER

  2. Download the update files from Juniper download portal to a staging server,
  3. Run the following command to copy the update files to the ATP Appliance device:

    set private-mode update copy FILE-URL

    For example, set private-mode update copy userabc@STAGING-SERVER-IP:FILE_PATH/jatp-update-5.2.tgz


    Note that only one update file can be uploaded at a time. The secure copy protocol (SCP) is used.

    File uploads are processed in the background. Using the show private-mode update copy command, you can view the completion percentage of the upload.

  4. Once the file upload completes, the update file preparation process starts and performs the following tasks:
    • Check and verify the completeness and the integrity of the file.

    • Check if the same update file already exists in the system. If so, remove the file.

    • Check if the uploaded file is an older version of the existing installed software or content. If so, remove the uploaded file.

    • Decompress the file and move it to the correct location.

    • Verify the version information for the software or content file.

    • Save the state related information in the database.

  5. Once the upload is complete (check status with the show private-mode update copy command), you can manually begin the update with the following example command:

    set private-mode update start software/content/win10/win7/osx VERSION


    The repository is not available for connected secondary devices (such as Web Collectors and Secondary Cores) to download until the ATP Appliance Core has finished the software upgrade process.


    It is recommended that you always create a fresh configuration backup after updating to a new software release.