Manager of Central Managers (MCM)
The Juniper ATP Appliance Manager of Central Managers (MCM) is a device that provides a Web UI management console for Juniper ATP Appliance customers that deploy multiple Core/Central Managers (CMs) in various geographic locations for which link speed limitations might constrain a single CM deployment. The MCM allows customers with distributed enterprises to centralize their view of detected malware incidents occurring on multiple CMs.
The MCM Platform device type is represented as “mcm” in the Juniper ATP Appliance CLI MCM command mode. The MCM receives incident data from multiple Central Manager (CM) appliances and displays that data in an MCM-mode Web UI.
The MCM Web UI is a subset of the larger Juniper ATP Appliance Central Manager Web UI and includes only the incidents tab and the Config tab for System Profile configurations, in addition to a device Reset and Logout tab.
Starting in ATP Appliance release 5.0.7, the GSS services domain has changed from * to * You must change your existing firewall rules to allow outbound traffic to the new * domains. Both the domains will be valid during the transition to the new domain. The * will be phased out in the future. We recommend that you transition to the new domain as soon as possible.
If your firewall doesn’t support wildcards for domains, you must open port 443 to the following services: