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June, 2018 Release

New and Changed Features: June, 2018

Unified Policy support

(Support starting in Junos OS 18.2R1) Unified policies allow you to use dynamic applications as one of the policy match criteria rules in each application. Application identification (AppID) is applied on the traffic, and the application is identified after several packets are checked. The set services security-intelligence default-policy and set services advanced-anti-malware default-policy commands are introduced to create default policies.

During the initial policy lookup phase, which occurs prior to a dynamic application being identified, if there are multiple policies present in the potential policy list, which contains different security intelligence or anti-malware policies, the SRX Series Firewall applies the default policy until a more explicit match has occurred.

Explicit Web Proxy Support

(Support starting in Junos OS 18.2R1) This is configured using the set services proxy profile command on the SRX Series Firewall. To configure HTTP(S) connections to use a web proxy, you create one or more proxy profiles and refer to those profiles in your anti-malware and security intelligence policies. When using a web proxy, you must enroll your SRX Series Firewalls to Sky ATP using a slightly different process.

[See Explicit Web Proxy for Juniper ATP Cloud.]

File Scanning PDF Reports

You can now download PDF reports from the HTTP File Downloads, Details page. Navigate to File Scanning > HTTP File Downloads and click on a file hash from the list. At the top of the Details page, click the Download PDF Report link.