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show dhcp server binding



Display the address bindings in the client table on the extended Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) local server.


If you delete the DHCP server configuration, DHCP server bindings might still remain. To ensure that DHCP bindings are removed, issue the clear dhcp server binding command before you delete the DHCP server configuration.



(Optional) Display DHCP binding information for a specific client identified by one of the following entries:

  • ip-address—The specified IP address.

  • mac-address—The specified MAC address.

  • session-id—The specified session ID.

brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output about active client bindings. The default is brief, which produces the same output as show dhcp server binding.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display information about active client bindings on the specified interface. You can optionally filter on VLAN ID and SVLAN ID.


(Optional) Show the binding state information on the interface VLAN ID and S-VLAN ID.


(Optional) The set of interfaces on which to show the binding state information. This option supports the use of the wildcard character (*).

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Display information about active client bindings for DHCP clients on the specified logical system.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Display information about active client bindings for DHCP clients on the specified routing instance.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show dhcp server binding command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show dhcp server binding Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

number clients, (number init, number bound, number selecting, number requesting, number renewing, number releasing)

Summary counts of the total number of DHCP clients and the number of DHCP clients in each state.


IP address

IP address of the DHCP client.


Session Id

Session ID of the subscriber session.


Hardware address

Hardware address of the DHCP client.



Number of seconds in which lease expires.



State of the address binding table on the extended DHCP local server:

  • BOUND—Client has active IP address lease.

  • FORCERENEW—Client has received forcerenew message from server.

  • INIT—Initial state.

  • RELEASE—Client is releasing IP address lease.

  • RENEWING—Client sending request to renew IP address lease.

  • REQUESTING—Client requesting a DHCP server.

  • SELECTING—Client receiving offers from DHCP servers.



Interface on which the request was received.


Lease Expires

Date and time at which the client’s IP address lease expires.


Lease Expires in

Number of seconds in which lease expires.


Lease Start

Date and time at which the client’s IP address lease started.


Lease time violated

Lease time violation has occurred.


Last Packet Received

Date and time at which the router received the last packet.


Incoming Client Interface

Client’s incoming interface.


Client Interface Svlan Id

S-VLAN ID of the client’s incoming interface.


Client Interface Vlan Id

VLAN ID of the client’s incoming interface.


Demux Interface

Name of the IP demultiplexing (demux) interface.


Server IP Address or Server Identifier

IP address of DHCP server.


Server Interface

Interface of DHCP server.


Client Pool Name

Name of address pool used to assign client IP address lease.


Liveness Detection State

State of the liveness detection status for a subscriber’s Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol session:


This output field displays status only when liveness detection has been explicitly configured for a subscriber and the liveness detection protocol is actively functioning for that subscriber.

  • DOWN—Liveness detection has been enabled for a subscriber but the broadband network gateway (BNG) detects that the liveness detection session for the BFD protocol is in the DOWN state.

    A liveness detection session that was previously in an UP state has transitioned to a DOWN state, beginning with a liveness detection failure, and ending with the deletion of the client binding. The DOWN state is reported only during this transition period of time.

  • UNKNOWN—Liveness detection has been enabled for a subscriber but the actual liveness detection state has not yet been determined.

    The UNKNOWN state is reported after a DHCP subscriber initially logs in while the underlying liveness detection protocol handshake, such as BFD, is still processing and the BFD session has not yet reached the UP state.

  • UP—Liveness detection has been enabled for a subscriber, and the BNG and the subscriber or client have both determined that the liveness detection session for the BFD protocol is in the UP state.

  • WENT_DOWN—State is functionally equivalent to the DOWN state. A liveness detection session that was previously in an UP state has transitioned to a DOWN state implying a liveness detection failure.

    The WENT_DOWN state applies to the internal distribution of the liveness detection mechanism between the Junos DHCP Daemon for Subscriber Services (JDHCPd), the BFD plug-in within the Broadband Edge Subscriber Management Daemon (BBE-SMGD), and the Packet Forwarding Engine.


Client Profile Name

DHCP client profile name.


Dual Stack Group

DHCP server profile name.


Dual Stack Peer Prefix

IPv6 prefix of peer.


Dual Stack Peer Address

IPv6 address of peer.


Sample Output

show dhcp server binding

show dhcp server binding detail

When DHCP binding is configured with dual-stack, we get the following output:

show dhcp server binding interface <vlan-id>

show dhcp server binding interface <svlan-id>

show dhcp server binding <ip-address>

show dhcp server binding <session-id>

show dhcp server binding summary

show dhcp server binding <interfaces-vlan>

show dhcp server binding <interfaces-wildcard>