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show dynamic-profile session



Display dynamic profile (client or service) information for all subscribers or for subscribers specified by client ID or service session ID. You can filter the output by also specifying a dynamic profile.

  • The output does not display the variable stanzas defined in the dynamic profile configuration.

  • The variables in the profile configuration are replaced with subscriber specific values.

  • If the conditional variable in the dynamic profile is evaluated as NULL, the subscriber value for the variable is displayed as NONE in the command output.

  • The variable is also displayed as NONE when the variable (any variable and not necessarily conditional) in the dynamic profile has no value associated with it.

  • The format in which the configuration is displayed looks similar, but not exactly the same as the format of the show configuration dynamic-profiles command.


client-id client-id

Display dynamic profile information for subscribers associated with the specified client.

profile-name profile-name

(Optional) Display dynamic profile information for the specified subscriber or service profile.

service-id service-id

Display dynamic profile information for subscribers associated with the specified service session.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

This command displays the dynamic client or service profile configuration for each subscriber.

Sample Output

show dynamic-profile session client-id (Client ID)

show dynamic-profile session client-id profile-name (Client ID and Dynamic Profile)

show dynamic-profile session service-id (Service Session)