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show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit



Display information about subscriber limits for the specified hardware element, chassis, FPC, PIC, or port by client type. Shows the configured limit, the number of subscribers of the type currently logged in, and the number of subscribers that have been denied login because the limit has been reached. Use the extensive option to display information for the specified element and all subordinate elements that have a configured subscriber limit.



(Optional) Display information for the specified hardware element and all subordinate elements that have a configured subscriber limit.


(Optional) Subscriber limit statistics for the chassis.

fpc slot-number

(Optional) Subscriber limit statistics for FPC in the specified slot.

pic number

(Optional) Subscriber limit statistics for the specified PIC.

port number

(Optional) Subscriber limit statistics for the specified port.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

fpc, pic, port

Hardware element on which a maximum subscriber limit is configured.

All levels


Type of client for which a maximum subscriber limit is configured on the specified hardware element: ANY, DHCP, L2TP, or PPPoE.

All levels

Configured limit

Maximum number of subscribers that can be logged in for the client type.

All levels

Current count

Current number of subscribers that can log in for the client type.

All levels

Denied count

Number of subscribers for the client type that have been denied login because the maximum subscriber limit has been reached.

All levels

Sample Output

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (Chassis)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (Chassis Extensive)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (FPC)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (FPC Extensive)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (PIC)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (PIC Extensive)

show system resource-monitor subscribers-limit (Port)