dhcp-service { dhcp-snooping-file(local_pathname | remote_URL) { write-interval interval; } dhcpv6-snooping-file { location; write-interval seconds; } (disable | enable); interface-traceoptions { file filename <files number> <match regular-expression > <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>; flag flag; level (all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning); no-remote-trace; } log { session { client; all; dhcpv6 { client; server; relay; dynamic-server; all; } server; relay; } } ltv-syslog-interval seconds; } traceoptions { file filename <files number> <match regular-expression > <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>; flag flag; level (all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning); no-remote-trace; } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit system processes]
Enable DHCP services on the device. DHCP services automate network-parameter assignment to network devices. The DHCP service process is enabled by default. However, by default, IP-MAC bindings in the DHCP snooping database do not persist through device reboots. You can inprove performance after rebooting by configuring the IP-MAC bindings to persist, by configuring a storage location for the DHCP database file. When specifying the location for the DHCP database, you must also specify how frequently the switch writes the database entries into the DHCP snooping database file.
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
admin—To view this statement in the configuration.
admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.