firewall (Dynamic Firewalls)
firewall { family family { filter filter-name { enhanced-mode-override; instance-shared; interface-shared; interface-specific; term term-name { from { match-conditions; } then { action; action-modifiers; } } } hierarchical-policer uid { aggregate { if-exceeding { bandwidth-limit-limit bps; burst-size-limit bytes; } then { policer-action; } } premium { if-exceeding { bandwidth-limit bps; burst-size-limit bytes; } then { policer-action; } } } policer uid { filter-specific; if-exceeding { (bandwidth-limit bps | bandwidth-percent percentage); burst-size-limit bytes; } logical-bandwidth-policer; logical-interface-policer; physical-interface-policer; then { policer-action; } } three-color-policer uid { action { loss-priority high then discard; } logical-interface-policer; single-rate { (color-aware | color-blind); committed-burst-size bytes; committed-information-rate bps; excess-burst-size bytes; } two-rate { (color-aware | color-blind); committed-burst-size bytes; committed-information-rate bps; peak-burst-size bytes; peak-information-rate bps; } } }
Hierarchy Level
[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name]
Configure firewall filters and policers in a dynamic client profile or a dynamic service profile.
The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.